Reviews for The Akuma Mansion Incident
Lukkai chapter 1 . 7/17
So far so good. Very solid introduction chapter.

And if those policemen treasure their jobs (and families, and lifes), they might want to - depending on the threat of zombies still being prevalent or not - let the group rest, take a shower and change their clothes... And then just quietly let them slip away and forget this all ever happened. Otherwise things might get dicey.

Also I would think that Shampoo's village and the valley in general might make for a somewhat decent place for a final stronghold. Lots of able warriors and pre-existing fortifications meant to deal with opponents both stronger and smarter (granted, the latter is not a high hurdle to clear) than those undead.

I wonder about infected persons of the Ranma-story-martial-artist sort though. They certainly would not have access to any advanced techniques anymore, as the higher thinking parts enabling them to pull those off would be gone. The results of purely physical training and toughening however would likely carry over. Speed might or might not. Considering the usual results on human targets in RE canon, more likely not to. Strength, toughness and such gained through use of ki... Now there it gets tricky. And really depends on what philosophy you want to use for it. The Ranma canon does not really go deeply into the basics behind the use of ki. And Resident Evil does not have it at all. So the canon material does not really give you much to work with here.
Personally, I connect ki directly with life force and the power of the soul to wield it. So by that definition, any use of ki would be lost to any RE undead.
Pyromania101 chapter 1 . 7/3
Well, we know the group survives, but what about everyone else?
Mr. Haziq chapter 1 . 6/21
Interesting that they know jiangshi, but not zombies.
FirstoftheAbyss chapter 1 . 5/22
"sounds like a volatile mix"...proceeds to laugh like a lunatic, ooh Riku, you are a true master of the understatement.
I do love how Shampoo calmly analyses "their" holdout and situation instantly, just like a warrior should whilst the others understand her reason but don't pick it up as instinctively (they're "martial artists" rather than actual warriors), It seems rather surprising that it is Nabiki who proceeds to further comment upon the defensive possibilities of their place...however she is also calculating, intelligent and quick upon the uptake so perhaps not really that surprising.
Likewise I rather like how Kodachi reacts upon the cliché that all rich people know each other (although she acknowledges that it is indeed a small, social circle) and quickly shows her usefullness both in skill and knowledge . It is quite obvious that all of the characters have retained hitheir most obvious characteristics without being reduced to their anime-personna.
personally I am wondering whether Umbrella will have some history with the Amazons, Happosai or the like (for good or evil)
My overall judgement: an excellent first chapter, take my favorite and I'll hope for more of these.
upon an unrelated note, I played several off the resident evil games (including the outbreaks) and generally enjoyed them including the remake of II (although it had obvious flaws for example Clair at times acting to much like a heroine and to little like a scared survivor) but I'd still say the worst of RE-games is 5
razmire chapter 1 . 5/11
I could be wrong (and part of me is hoping I am) but I have a feeling that at some point, Ranma and the girls will be coming across rivals and/or family that have been turned into zombies/jiangshi.
Looking forward to the next chapter.
The-Dark-Warrior chapter 1 . 4/21
A very well done intro!

looking forward to future updates!
woodxvii chapter 1 . 4/10
This was great, I loved the intro of being interviewed/looking back on it. On the one hand you know they all survived, but on the other you dont know if any one else did. And I appreciate the kind of reactions they had. Shampoo is the sort to acclimate to rationalizing her actions quickly while nabiki is at her core a normal person, her insecurities make perfect sense. Really excited to see this through
Ten-Faced Paladin chapter 1 . 4/7
I can't wait for this to be updated! I love what you did so far and can't wait to see how it may affect RE canon.

Somehow, I felt like it was going fast with Nabiki spilling about Umbrella in the first chapter. I can understand her knowing about it, and how she keeps her ear to the ground she'd hear rumors and stories about conspiracies. I can't say I find anything wrong about that. It just feels fast for Umbrella to be outed in the first chapter.

But that doesn't diminish how much I love what I'm seeing so keep going!
xbox432 chapter 1 . 4/5
I'm intrigued. I don't normally read horror in general due to preferring more light-hearted fare, but I'm generally curious as to how things will progress with this cast of characters.
Wordlurker chapter 1 . 4/5
Oh, this is off to a nice start. I'm a bit disappointed Ukyo wasn't chosen to be part of the group for this little horror adventure, but at least Shampoo was.

Keep up the good work, and stay healthy. :)
KuraraII chapter 1 . 4/4
Fantastic good fun. I like that you're retelling it through Ranma, seems a very good narrative choice.

And I agree that it's better you did res1 and not the sequels. It's kind of hard to imply a return to any normalcy when the entire city it would take place in had been depopulated.

Good to see you writing again, I remember you back from your Waaaagh days.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/3
I like how you focus on the little details, using 'jiangshi ' instead of zombie since Shampoo, as a Chinese, was the one who said it. It is the little things like the little details of a story that makes it more interesting.
Kingdark chapter 1 . 4/3
You know, I would think that a major concern would be the safety of Genma, Soun and the other characters that were with them? Also, why not look for a phone? Or just leave, stick to the tree's? Or failing that, look for a map or something find out where they are and then GTFO of there. But so far it's a very interesting story. Also, the reasoning that the upper floors would be safe is flawed.

If the 'freaks' (the word zombies haven't been used yet) are on the ground floor then it wouldn't be too much of a jump to reason they are on the upper floors as well. But either way, it's a very interesting story. I love Ranma and I love crossovers... So yea! Keep up the good work!
Tellemicus Sundance chapter 1 . 4/2
Ohhhh mannnn, that was AWESOME! I can't wait to see what you make of this rare type of crossover! But since it's you, I have completely faith that it's going to be TRULY EPIC! Great story opening!
Byakugan789 chapter 1 . 4/2
REsummary: if they can't make it out alive, then you've seriously nerfed them. Even early in the series Ranma was able to lift icebergs over his head. Those by the size, those were easily in the 100 tonn range.

Lots of good fighting in the house. I like. Though, I don't think Ranma'd lose himself to adrenaline and rage. Maybe horror at facing a Jiangshi. He didn't do too well with those ghosts in the manga. It's also nice to see a story pull the "I am superman and you will listen" in Ranma. Most authors either have the characters accept things far too easily (suggesting a much wider base for weirdness in japan than Ranma's circle) or take far too long to get up to speed because ''misunderstandings are fun''.

I can't fault you for wanting nothing to do with the remakes, but were the movies really that much of an abomination? They weren't good...but my memories of the games aren't particularly rosy either. Most of the difficult came from the shit visuals, not the high quality of the game.
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