Reviews for C h a i n e d - t o - Y o u
seasonwave chapter 5 . 16h
i'm really loving this! The slow burn and sexual tension is amazing! Looking forward to your next chapter!
black'nwhitepanda chapter 5 . 7/27
Is the pairing still open for this? Looks like Kakashi is getting the lead, and Sakura is turning to him more than SasukeI honestly don't know what to feel or look forward to. I'll just look forward to the surprise: one, the pairing and; two, where the story is going like how their mission will end. So far, good job for writing this fanfiction! Keep it up!
Jujubie chapter 5 . 7/20
so so so good.

honestly I rarely review fics (ik shame on me)

I am *so* happy you updated!
this was amazing and I enjoyed it so much!
I cannot wait for more, you are very talented!
ChidoSen1 chapter 5 . 7/18
I just binged read your fic! I really love the plot and your writing style! You deserve all praises sasuke and sakura's banter left me laughing so hard lmao sakura's dilemma regarding kakashi's hotness is so funny.. I hope you update soon! This is really good writing

I really hope sasuke's not doing something naughty tho while sakura's away. I'm also ecstatic how kakashi and sasuke will deal with what happened to sakura.. I know for sure sakura's gonna be okay because she's a badass and a queen.. But really tho I hope she's gonna be okay huhu
SasuSakuKawaii chapter 5 . 7/16
Sasuke is being such an ass this chapter, but Sakura was in the wrong so it is his revenge on her. Now that dream/nightmare hopefully helped get her head in the game and focus on the mission. Of course it's hard with two enticing sexy men constantly being around her. I wish their mission would start moving along faster, but all in due time. They have to access each ring of hell, one at a time.

Phew. Sakura definitely showed Kakashi what she got and what she had hidden up her sleeve. I am disappointed in Kakashi that he didn't suspect a thing with those men joining them. But it is definitely distracting with your gorgeous student enticing you with a sexy dance. Sasuke would have gotten the shock of his life if he saw the whole dance that Sakura performed for Kakashi. He would have been extremely jealous as well. All the screen time seems to be on Kakashi, I wish Sakura would get naughty with Sasuke as well. Also, is there a main pairing to this story? Or is it just going to be back and forth between Kakashi and Sasuke?

That bitch Yumi. Of course, she didn't show up for no reason. Maybe Norio is keeping an eye on Sakura after the bet being lost. So, he is getting rid of all the opponents through Yumi. Or maybe Kakashi has been careless, so he is a target to be eliminated. I can't wait to see what the next chapter brings! Please update soon!

Also, Happy Birthday! It's awesome that you enjoyed it despite the quarantine. Stay safe!
Agentcaroline chapter 5 . 7/16
Fantastic chapter! I wonder if this means that their cover is blown and/or if they were lured there on purpose. I don’t usually believe in coincidences, so it just feels off that they all just happened to be there at the same time.
SasuSakuKawaii chapter 4 . 7/15
Phew. I thought Sakura really had to be that ruthless and kill that man. Sasuke is such a sweetheart. Aaah! He is also being adorable with everything he is feeling and has no clue about. hehe At least he is feeling jealousy and a possessiveness on some level.

I knew that bitch, Yumi, will appear again. I think she will pose a big problem in the future for sure. Well, I am glad that Kakashi was feeling guilty over his actions towards Sakura. haha Man, I am worried about this nasty Norio guy. He seems extremely dangerous. Especially since he has a good amount of chakra and is a sneaky/smart bastard. It will be hell for Sakura if they ever end up fighting each other, her chakra is unavailable after all. I have a feeling that things are about to get very complicated since they will be entering the inner circle of this hell hole.
SasuSakuKawaii chapter 3 . 7/15
Aaaw, Sasuke was being so sweet. Even though he used the sharingan on her, at least she got the best sleep of her life. I am glad he is being appreciative of her assets as well. hehe But he is still so innocent. That shower scene was hilarious though. Sakura freaks out then trips, while Sasuke is not bothered at all. Well, at least she got a nice view of the gorgeous Sasucakes. I think this experience will bring them much closer to each other. Both mentally and physically.

Man, I feel like this is more of KakaSaku than SasuSaku at this point. All the KakaSaku moments are making me cringe so hard. Yes, both Kakashi and Sakura are grown and gorgeous adults but he is her SENSEI and she is his STUDENT that he witnessed growing up. The age difference makes it even more cringey and the fact that he saw this girl grow up. I just wish he wouldn't get such a strong reaction to her, but I guess it's just a natural reaction for such a deprived man in front of such a beautiful woman. If only Sakura could see this and understand that she is not plain at all. Well, maybe Sakura's self-esteem will grow considering that her sensei is practically salivating at her appearance. I am sure Sasuke will get affected very soon as well.

I really hope Ino is okay. I am really starting to worry for her, especially since she might be in the clutches of a ninja which will make her retrieval that much harder. It's really worrisome that they haven't been able to track her down, but maybe she somehow became a possession of very powerful higher ups of this terrible society.
SasuSakuKawaii chapter 2 . 7/15
Aaaah, Kakashi you perv! haha Sakura too! I get this is your super hot sensei but get a grip girl! lol I think Sasuke is the most innocent one in all of this. Since he is so emotionally inept he doesn't know what his feeling. Especially some "inappropriate" feelings he is having for his gorgeous teammate. *wink*

It's interesting how the sex slaves are so scantily clad. You'd think the masters wouldn't want others to see their bodies and would be possessive of them. On the other hand, they are probably proudly displaying their property to others and shows the assets they possess. Geez, what a horrible place though.

Sakura is holding up pretty well and being very professional in her role. I think she should understand Sasuke better than anyone and his non-talking tendencies. Especially considering the situation they are in and the roles they are supposed to play. I am enjoying his playful and more relaxed personality though. Especially all the teasing comments/jokes he is throwing her way. haha
SasuSakuKawaii chapter 1 . 7/15
Man, what a situation to be in. I feel like it's more embarrassing to be so scantily clad in front of Kakashi rather than Sasuke. Despite the terrible situation Sakura is in, at least she is looking drop dead gorgeous in front of the love of her life. hehe
cocoablossom chapter 5 . 7/14
Happy belated birthday! This update was such a treat, especially those scenes between Kakashi and Sakura that absolutely had me fanning myself phewwww

Sasuke legit feels like an afterthought in this “love triangle” if that’s what it is. I’m totally here for some KakaSaku for sure.

To add though, I love how your writing is fleshed out and very descriptive in these chapters. You’ve built up quite a plot and I am eager to read the next chapter!
Exobap101 chapter 5 . 7/13
Wow! This story line is very interesting! Idek who I want to ship Sakura with anymore in thus story! Every scene with either men makes me all flustered.
shinez4u chapter 5 . 7/10
Can't wait to read about Sasuke's reaction..assuming he'll find out how Sakura got to be in the state she's in! Jealousy I hope XD
Keep up the great work!
JasmineDragon22 chapter 5 . 7/9
Boom! That was awesome. I like seeing Sakura more confident in the way she acts. And that drug stealing kiss was most excellent.
Guest chapter 5 . 7/8
3 love love love
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