Reviews for Gate: Thus, the Future Took Over This World
RedianRed chapter 2 . 9/3
i hope the droids don't look like star wars droids
SirMaou chapter 6 . 8/25
I want this beach Dead.
Gotawa chapter 7 . 7/14
Next chapters be like:
Japan: hey remember when you nuked me and reduced two of my cities to rubble?
USA: Uh yes?
Japan: well, there's this thing in Tokyo...
Guest chapter 7 . 7/12
and so the soviets conquered once again, only this time they’re an army of overpowered sadistic aliens that end up conquering the whole planet and maybe even earth.

that’s one way to bring back one of the greatest dead fics in fanfiction. I’m excited for the next updates!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/11
I'm absolutely looking forward to the next chapter.
juegolesx chapter 7 . 7/10
Good story ... please humiliate and kill the apostles and the gods of Falmart :D
UberStoryteller chapter 7 . 7/10
Eyyy you sly dog. I see where you got the inspiration from. Good story all round!
ceroxon chapter 7 . 7/10
Earth can survive. It is not too late for destroy the gate with nuclear bomb in the way between the two world.
Janny092 chapter 7 . 7/10
I love the negotiations! God now I am very excited to see how the milkinians will crush their hope, ohh I cannot wait.
Guest chapter 6 . 6/27
(Y)If all goes well, it wouldn't hurt to have another world. (Y) I would love that .
Please no negotiations with sadera
eliminate the saderian empire let people live
JackTimonthy chapter 6 . 5/30
So I’m guessing since you added the other empire, the spirals, you’ll be having them attack the Milkinians from space or something? Anyways, good chapter. Keep up the good work.
Wacko12 chapter 5 . 5/21
unactivated isn't a word. you mean deactivate
Janny092 chapter 5 . 5/21
Funny how the Terrans think they can manipulate the milkinians way of thinking. This is seriously a very awesome story hope to see more soon! Keep up the good work!
So it seems there are those who want to conquer and exterminate the native inhabitants while those such as the princess want to help them but not kill. When she learns if the atrocities he’s committed, she would not be so happy, even if it’s for the survival of their civilisation.

Guess that guy now shown us not all of them are friendly and hate to think when they find out the Earth the JSDF came from is from an alternate timeline and doesn’t affect them, they might set their sights on it to expan their empire.
attarraihan chapter 1 . 5/17
Ah, so some people are racist (or in this case Xenophobic, since these extradimensional natives are basically xenos) because of their past.
Keep up the good work
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