Reviews for When Reality Answers
ZexyZane chapter 10 . 7/19
NOICE! This was a heartwarming story so to speak, I really admire the effort you placed into this especially the moments where the story reflected unto my own. I was never into dark and very sappy stories but you showed me a new meaning to it's definition. Though this story is only a continuation of two others, you really perfected the realism and the concept that you have conceived upon us.
xandra19 chapter 10 . 6/30
I loved the story!
Omi Twilight chapter 10 . 5/29
This story, and the continuity in general, was rather entertaining though this last chapter seem rushed a bit. Also minor notice for next time you highlight something regarding criminals serving their times; Lori would be serving a prison sentence, not Jail. A jail is for petty criminals awaiting bail or a trial and they are often held for less than one year tops. Prison is for those convicted and are serving anything from 1 year to life. Just wanted to get that out.
Tristen chapter 10 . 5/2
Excellent story!
RCurrent chapter 10 . 5/4
MasterCaster chapter 10 . 5/4
This was very well done and I thank you for doing this. Contact me again if you very want to discuss stories again.
Tristen chapter 9 . 4/30
Holy crap, I have no words.
heavy5comando chapter 10 . 5/2
Now that's what I call a Jordacoln and Loud Family style victory!

Would like to see how it all went down south with Ronnie Anne and Lori. Specifically the detailed one-shot of what happened, like the point of view from Christina and Bobby's kids. And Lincoln and Jordan's perspective of dealing with the two kids they got full custody of.
Delquea chapter 10 . 5/2
this was a very anticlimactic ending LOL
Geo Soul chapter 9 . 5/1
So the seeds of Guilt have been planted now we wait for the Flowers of Sadness and woe to take Root.
Red the Pokemon Master chapter 9 . 4/30
So…doesn’t Lincoln want to take Reina AWAY from Ronnie and Chandler and fix her, especially after that lie detector stuff proved Chandler doesn’t even care about her or her brother?
nightmaster000 chapter 9 . 4/30
Beautiful absolutely beautiful, I must have more MORE! Cough sorry lost my cool for a second but really eager to see what happens next and the fall out from this.
MarioFan88 chapter 8 . 4/28
Well it looks like Lori and Ronnie Anne have f***ed themselves up at this point just by walking away. I hope both of them learn their lesson in the end.
LH-Teller9999 chapter 8 . 4/29
Great story but last chapter make me sick. I just hate cheeter and Ronnie and in this story gave me reason to hate Ronniecoln. Rest is good and i hope that soon i saw more:)
Geo Soul chapter 8 . 4/28
Dude You are a Master of this if u need help just ask
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