Reviews for In Another Life
topsyturvy-dream chapter 24 . 7/19
Oh no! I’m assuming that Itachi died already and Sasuke found out about the truth? It seems so because I can feel the hurt, anger, and loneliness just oozing off him. I wonder what he’ll do now that he seems to have captured Ren. I really hope that they’ll be able to make up, because like Ren said, she shouldn’t have left Sasuke behind. Gosh, I’m having Lilo and Stitch flashbacks, and I just low key want Ren to tell Sasuke about Ohana hahahaha Anyway, REN AND KAKASHI?! AAAAHHHHHHH I’M SO HAPPY FOR THEM! I mean, kid Kakashi obviously had a crush on Ume, so I’m not surprised that him and Ren ended up having a romantic relationship! Can’t wait for when they meet again, and of course, when Naruto and Sasuke finds out about her relationship status LOL they’re going to give Kakashi so much sh*t and making sure that he takes good care of their “sister”. So adorable!
hopetothehopeless chapter 21 . 6/19
Ugh it burnsss the feels it burns. Definitely wanna get my hands on all the storyboard and characterization details you got. I feel like your orochimaru is true enough to the Naruto universe while also having hints of the more "gentle" boruto version, so his character feels super believable. But ouch that last part of the chap. I'm feeling T-T stay safe and have fun! 3
hopetothehopeless chapter 19 . 6/19
This is so freaking impressive. I love the whole "girl from real world lands in Naruto universe" but you creatively gave it a whole new level. The main character has depth and a personality. All the Naruto characters are in character and it's nice. This is beautiful and I love it.
topsyturvy-dream chapter 21 . 6/12
Okay, firstly, ommmgggg you live in Japan?! Wow! I'm low key jealous because I love the country *heart eyes* I have a very important question though: have you visited the Naruto theme park in Awaji yet? As for your question, I'm curious and would love to know about your storyboard process and characterisation :)

Whew! Now, on to the story: can I just say that this fic is one of my "feel good" fics! It's basically a fic that I really look forward to reading every week (and is part of my routine, especially with how fast you update), and I'm really thankful and happy that you're working on this beautiful piece. As for this chapter, I especially love that bonding moment between Naruto and Ren. Their friendship sounds so precious, and I'm glad to see that her and Naruto have a close relationship (also, I would definitely love to know what types of pranks they're doing to Kakashi because that would just be so funny!) As for Orochimaru, I just- I know you've heard this plenty of times, but I really love your characterisation of him. You see, in the canon plot, he's not really the "evil evil" type that wants world domination and all that, as seen when he was revived in the Fourth Shinobi War. I actually read a pretty interesting analysis of his character in Tumblr saying something along the lines that one of the reasons why he wants to be immortal is because he sees it as being the thing that will be "constant" in his life. Like during the Second and Third Shinobi War, he saw so many people die [with Nawaki - Tsunade's brother - died under his command] and he was basically used as a tool for Konoha, and experimenting and immortality is his way to cope from all the trauma that he went through. I don't really know, but reading that analysis made me think of your Orochimaru - how Ume disappearing on him further establishes that nothing in his life is constant, which is why despite Ume/Ren coming back to the Narutoverse, he's still pursuing his quest for immortality/experimentations because maybe he's scared that once he trusts that nothing bad will happen, the rug will be pulled under him, and he's all alone again. Gaahhhh sorry for rambling, but yes, I really love your take on him and his relationship with Ren. ANYWAY, I like how Jiraiya ships Kakashi and Ren lol. It's sad that he's most likely not going to survive his fight with Pein, because he seems like the "fun but wise uncle" to Ren. As for Kakashi and Ren's relationship, goshhhh I can't wait to read what you have in store for them. We already saw the development of her relationship with Orochimaru, and now, my mind is ready to see how close those two are going to get!
RinYamanari chapter 20 . 6/11
I know what you mean by saying you lose your motivation because of the lack of reviews, I've got the same problem... Anyway, I really enjoy your fanfiction and am desperately waiting for another chapter because I really want to know how this will end. Guess I'll reread it until you update, because I really enjoy how Orochimaru is slightly OOC, but without making the whole thing too cheesy or something like that. Some fanfics are absolutely cringy if you ask me, because the characters are way too OOC and the OCs are too OP, but this is not the case here! Thank you for this masterpiece!
your kidney 4lunch '3 chapter 20 . 6/10
I normally don't read fics with OCs but I love this!
Guest chapter 20 . 5/31
It is not in vain. I read your story for a while and I like it a lot, I just didn't comment before because English is not my first language. So don't be discouraged! Keep up the good work!
Fra0408 chapter 20 . 5/31
I really like your story and its original take on the "I found myself in the Naruto universe". I hope Ren will be able to recover. Keep it up :)
topsyturvy-dream chapter 18 . 5/18
This is so bittersweet. It’s like what Katy Perry said “in another life, I would be your girl” :’( Orochimaru and Ume/Ren’s love story seems so tragic. If only Orochimaru did not descend down that super dark path, then maybe they still have a chance. To be honest, he really does have a silver tongue. Like Ren, I truly believed when he said that all those horrible things he did before was just so they can be together again, but this chapter shows the opposite. So so so disappointed at Orochimaru (*I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU*) Oh well, now that Ren’s back in Konoha, I wonder if she’ll get to tease Kakashi since she remembers Ume’s babysitting memories now hehehehe ALSO, what happened to Hanare? :O Are they still together or will the Kakashi x Ren ship start to sail now? Anyway, I love this story so much to the point where I wish it’s Monday everyday so we can get new updates! Hahaha *kisses*
topsyturvy-dream chapter 15 . 4/26
EEEEEPPPPPPP! Orochimaru called her “my love” *squeals* Okay, your Orochimaru is actually quite endearing, especially since he’s willing to stop the experiments just for Ren/Ume’s sake (although is he really truthful about this). Actually, one of the things I’m curious about is whether Orochimaru loves Ume or Ren. Am I making sense? Because how I see it, Ume is Ren and vice versa, but at the same time, it’s not quite the same because Ren is another person having been born and lived a completely different life. Or maybe I’m just confusing myself *facepalm* ANYWAY, Orochimaru is going to Earth! *le gasp* I wonder how that will turn out since he’ll have access to modern knowledge, tech, and science! Ooooh I am SO EXCITED!
Princess Hinashi chapter 15 . 4/26
wow, can't wait for the next chapter! I wonder what will happen when they return to naruto world
Miep42 chapter 12 . 4/18
Great Story!
I think you brought a very interesting twist to the usually random "whoops I fell into a manga and am younger again!" thing. Especially because it also explains some characters showing an interest in Ren early on without being extremely OOC
Since the story description also says Kakashi x OC I take it that she isn't quite done with Konoha yet - can't wait to see how that will go!

topsyturvy-dream chapter 11 . 4/16
Oh my goodness! This chapter is so good I got goosebumps! Finally, Ren / Ume’s memories came back (I am loving her parents’ love story, by the way, even if it’s so tragic)! Although now, it’s the mystery of why she suddenly travelled to “Earth” and how it happened omg I am so excited to find out! Also, I can’t wait to see what will happen when she meets Kakashi and her team again. I wonder if they’re super worried about her (and of course, what is up with that Kakashi and Hanare thing? :\ Ren / Ume still has to grow up and have some fluffy moments with him! Hahahaha) It’ll be interesting to see how Ren will treat Orochimaru now that she has her memories back. I mean, like she said, it’s going to be difficult because on one hand, Orochimaru cared for her, but then when she disappeared, he did all those horrifying experiments and stuff. Anyway, lovely chapter as always *hearts*
Anne chapter 10 . 4/13
Super awesome can’t wait for more
Bill chapter 9 . 4/11
Oh god I love it so much
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