Reviews for Dating During Pandemic
SapphireAngel96 chapter 1 . 8/5
Still wishing to see an update. I loved the premise of your story and hope you get inspiration to comeback! This story had the potential for greatness!
Read at your own risk chapter 4 . 5/31
Sorry, I just had to :
SapphireAngel96 chapter 4 . 5/20
Excited for every chapter update now! My main highlight of each week during this pandemic. The chapter revealed a lot more about Mikan. It’s nice to see authors incorporate mental illness into their stories. (like Something You’ve Read Before)
I’m glad we live in time where the stigma has changed. The characterisation of the characters makes the story very realistic to what people going through. I’m curious to see how Mikan’s story will unfold as well as Natsume’s last relationship. I am eagerly awaiting for them to develop their relationship! Fan girl mode activated but I’m also keen to see their friendship develop! Stay safe and hope to see lots of updates soon
Stephanie A. Silva chapter 4 . 5/19
This is amaziiiiiing continue this pls! I want to know more of all of them! Love your writing! Hope you’re safe!
greentea chapter 4 . 5/15
man i feel so bad for both mikan and natsume
hope youre keeping safe and protected
Guest chapter 4 . 5/15
megssocialacc chapter 4 . 5/15
Twas awesome. Waiting for the next chapter.
Meghan chapter 3 . 5/6
More. More. More. This is so good. Real world fiction is so hard to come by and then you come by good ones like this!. Its awesome
SapphireAngel96 chapter 3 . 5/4
I don’t think your making might of covid, I think you fanfic is the very reality we will be living in for the next couple of years. I really enjoyed the introduction to the story and am eagerly awaiting more development between Natsume and Mikan! I‘m curious to find out what happened to Natsume in Paris and for him to overcome it. Plus to see Mikan find the partner she was looking for in Mikan.
NatMikan chapter 3 . 4/28
Continue this please. This is really interesting. I hope you’ll have the chance to update again. Thank you!
greentea chapter 3 . 4/27
this is so cute and just what we need during this pandemic. thanks for writing this 3 and looking forward to more!
Guest chapter 3 . 4/27
I hope you get to update soon! Thank you!
Lady Monroe chapter 3 . 4/27
That is so adorable 3
layliaman98 chapter 3 . 4/26
Now look what you do. Im craving chocolate cupcake and im currently still fasting and it takes 5 more hours before i can eat. Sob sob. But your right. Kindness is important and mikan show the simple kindness we can do when we are stuck in the lockdown. There is no need to despise other and respect others. Btw, i guess natsume marriage proposal is decline by someone and hes in the shock because of the rejection or something. I hope he gonna feel better soon. Thanks for the chapter and stay safe author
AriCat-Hg chapter 3 . 4/26
Aaaaaah, Natsume :c
1. I love Aoi. She’s nice.
2. I can imagine Mikan holding usagi, so cute,
3. I expected Natsume to be more... rude(? But it’s okay, considering he’s a young man and not a child.
4. I like Natsume and Mikan interaction. I’m eager to read more of them.
And, yeah, so great they’re neighbors. Maybe he will do the first step for getting to know her.
5. This chapter gave information about his past, but I suppose next chapters will give us more of it.

Thank you for updating c:
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