Reviews for Nin Chronicles: My Prince
Cutetyhil chapter 19 . 7/31
Yep this chapter was light hearted and I was reading peacefully in a cool area :)
Lol, you're not a flirter, like Ailu. But I'd really really love to read any romance fiction written by you. I'd love to read.

A warrior's way, it just be a good book and I liked how they surreptitiously took the book and gave it to Hyronal. Also that part was fun when he teased prince about riding with Ailu, calling her his lady. Haha. The ride was cool though. Also I can say that Prince is improving and Hyrondal is a better friend now.
I'm glad for now that Jailil and Hyrondal have the comfort and shelter they deserve. That's so hearty warming to read and feel that. :)

Haha, stealing a cookie huh? Nimrethil is still my fav, and if you would allow me, I'd ship ThurunduilXNim! Haha.
Charon53 chapter 19 . 7/31
That were two very good chapters. I had to think for a moment to where Jalil belonged, it is very nice to meet him again, I am very curious about his learning pattern and in how he grows out to be the head healer of Mirkwood.
Last week I had my fair share of woods, mountains and ruins and there is nothing better then the go out and enjoy those! keep up the amazing work!
Yugiyasha96 chapter 19 . 7/30
And the sparks of romance begin!

I love the sweet friendship between Thranduil and Ailunai beginning already and I can't wait to see it grow into a budding courtship and then flowering marriage! They're absolutely perfect together and I love how Ailunai is already showing her connection to plants and the forest. If anyone was made to be a true ElvenQueen it's her!

Aww, Jailil's joy over getting those books was tangible! I bet he's never had something so nice to help him grow his dream in reality! I'm sure he'll take great care of them and if an accident were to happen, I'm sure he'd do all in his power to make it right again.

Loved it as always! These friendships Thraduil is making are beautiful and so uplifting! He seems a totally different elfling than the scared and lonely little boy who was hiding in the forest. I love the change he's gone through and I can't wait to read more!

P.S. So about how old are Thranduil and his friends in this story? I can envision them different ages depending on what they're doing at the time
Cutetyhil chapter 18 . 7/25
Wow wow, Ailu is coming back, his dance partner! Will Nim be jealous? She's always so lively and charming despite her shouting at Thrainduil! I wonder how she will react! XD
And in so happy for Jailil and Hyrondal! The way they declined Harune's proposal was a little expected because of the way they lived and how everyone kead them down after offering helps so their fears were valid but I'm so glad that Thraunduil has convinced them to leave forest and come to stay in a proper place! They will relish the little comforts now at least! They deservd it, definitely! And yes, reading books is one great pleasure!
Yugiyasha96 chapter 18 . 7/24
IknewitIknewitIknewit! It was Jailil! Aw the poor boy though, being chased by the catchers and locked away in the terrible orphanage! Was it not enough that he'd lost his whole family? Don't they think he needed love and comfort? I guess not. I wish I could just give him a big hug though.

But I think Harune is going to do it for me! He's just a father to everyone meets isn't he!? Oh, he's just too, too sweet for words!

And then Hyrondal! Whew swear warning! Boys got a tongue of fire in that mouth of his hahahaha! I had to laugh at how blunt he was with Harune. I'm so glad him and Jailil came back though! If Harune recommended Geoda I'm sure he'll be a great mentor for the boys and maybe he'll teach Hyrondal a few manners as an added bonus lol. I understand where he came from though. It's got to be hard to have such a strong dream and your family not support you. At the end of the day, every child wants to be supported by their parents and parents should support so long as the dream or activity isn't harmful.

Well, I have a feeling Hyrondal is going to have an honorary father in Harune. I can't wait to see him and Jailil both blossom in their new circumstances!

Loved it as always and I absolutely can't wait to read more and see these friends move forward!

Thank you so much for your sweet shout-out too! I'm so happy my tales can bring joy to people. It brings me joy to share :D
Horsegirl01 chapter 17 . 7/19
I enjoyed this update. I am curious to see what Thranduil does about the orphan. I hope he is able to help him in some way. It is enjoyable to see Hyrondal's story unfold a little more. Keep up the good work!
Cutetyhil chapter 17 . 7/19
I feel so bad for the orphans. We were taught that orphans should be treated with care and love because they dont have parents and such cruel treatment just breaks my heart. I liked Ail's dad who had rather bought orphans and given them shelter. That was so kind of him. This is a good idea. Good people can but the orphans and solace him. That sounds good, right?
The dance part was nice, again :)

And that whacking part by Nim to Thraunduil was my fav! Lol boys just like to tease girls! XD
I liked when Hyrondal said that her pastries were having an effect on Prince xD
Their practise part was also cool!
Uh I'm actually beginning to almost ship Thraunduil and Nim. Do they have a chance, any? *smiles sheepishly.(
JulsaIthil chapter 17 . 7/19
I imagine that Thranduil will break from all the injustices he sees. It's a good thing he mingles with the common folk and sees what he sees otherwise they would hate him when he becomes king. Well, maybe not hate HATE him but they probably wouldn't have faith. But since he's with the common folk several may vouch for him. Spread it by word of mouth that he's different from Oropher.

Now I want those pastries Nimrethil makes. Except I don't like cheese pastries. I would prefer, hmmm, maybe fruit pastries. Or cake.

Also the part where it says, "he tried to hope between tree trunks." should be "hopped".
Charon53 chapter 17 . 7/17
Poor Thranduil, I am curious to what will happen next!
Yugiyasha96 chapter 17 . 7/16
Leave it to Oropher's kingdom to allow slave labor...and CHILD slave labor to boot! Disgraceful! I'm glad ailunai's family treats their boys better than some families do, but even so no person should ever OWN another! We're all created in the image of God and no one has more value than another in His eyes. I guess I shouldn't really be shocked though. Pretty much everything good and moral, Oropher goes against!

And then Hyrondal's backstory was so sad as well! Poor thing, having to run away and live alone jsut because his family won't support him. Is anything in Oropher's kingdom right except Harune and Thranduil? Poor Nimrethil is treated like a scourge, Hyrondal is an outcast just because he has a dream and a talent, and cold, cruel elves bind elflings like common criminals just because they've lost their parents!

I don't blame Thranduil for reaching his breaking point! I know I am! Something has to be done to set things right in Mirkwood. The people have all suffered enough. Maybe Thranduil can use his position as one and only heir to some advantage again in order to get some things fixed or maybe he'll find another way. I think he's clever and resourceful enough to pounce on any opportunity that will present itself.

Loved it as always and I REALLY can't wait for the next one! I want to meet this orphan...I've been wracking my brain for who it might be...OH WAIT! Literally as I'm writing this I think I figured it out! I won't say here and spoil it for anyone else, but I think I know who this little orphan boy is going to be! I can't wait to find out next week!
Cutetyhil chapter 16 . 7/14
I was hoping to see Hyrondal here bot no worries, this chapter was itself good. Actually that pained me to read that about Orphanage. Poor orphans and the sick they get because of malnourishment. And ada is so right, not even a king or queen in history could have saved everyone such. That was so deep to hear Harune saying that.

Thraunduil's wish just had me in tears because it is really sweet and caring of a Prince to make such wish!
Also I loved Nim's jokes and her moments with Thraunduil. The food part always waters my mouth, mhmm ;)
Charon53 chapter 16 . 7/11
I cannot wait until Thranduil will go and visit the orphanage. I am sure it will be a very hard thing for Thranduil to see that the world if far from perfect.
Yugiyasha96 chapter 16 . 7/9
Yay! Congratulations for Nimrethil! She's going to love learning to be an apprentice cook and I know she'll do a great job! Her pastry sounded fantastic! It made my mouth water!

That poor little orphan though! He's been raised like an animal so why should he act any different. I know Thranduil can't save everyone, but I hope he can save him. Nimrethil's words were certainly wise. When you've been cruelly denied help so long when you need it, it can turn you bitter toward seeking anymore help in the future. Makes me think of someone who's starving, but has lost all want of food because they've been without so long. They have to be slowly introduced to it again and I feel like Thranduil will have a similar fight on his hands with the people of Mirkwood when he becomes king. They've been denied help and look down on so long that they'll be wary at best or completely undesiring at worst of help when it's offered. If anyone can do it it's him though!

The conversation between Harune and Thranduil was BEYOND sweet! Your father and son fluff between them is the absolute best! I don't know what Harune meant when he said that maybe his flaws kept him there but I agree with Thranduil in that I don't think he has any flaws whatsoever, at least none that show themselves readily in his character. AHHH I just LOVE Harune! Have I mentioned that yet? XD

This chapter was beautiful, lovely, exciting, sweet, precious,...literally everything good and I love it as always! I can't wait for next week!
Cutetyhil chapter 15 . 7/7
Yuai not allowing Hyrondal was something sad to hear and again, Hyrondal doesn't want any favour or easy shortcut by taking help of Prince, that's Thraunduil even offered help but...

Nim's part was comical and both sad. Hafia is rude, poor Nim! But I guess she should just not lose hope. You can learn. Where there is will, there is determination. :)
JulsaIthil chapter 15 . 7/4
I thought I reviewed on the previous chapter. Uggh. And I thought I reviewed on Benders: Dragonfire. It seems I didn't. Did I? Anyway, an explanation for that is that I didn't look at my inbox for the longest time which means I missed all the story alerts which means my inbox is crammed now. But I assure you that I did read Benders: Dragonfire and absolutely loved every bit of it. I feel like going back and reviewing on there to say all the things that I loved.

I have also caught up with this story and loved it so far! And I so love that part near the end, with Thranduil helping out Hyrondal by borrowing those books. He's helping out Hyrondal the same way Hyrondal helped him. Well maybe not the same way but I hope you get what I mean.

Hopefully when you update next chapter I can review better. Until then I'm eagerly, but patiently, waiting for more!
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