Reviews for You and I, Right or Wrong
BubbleBear101 chapter 1 . 5/6
i found this story absolutely amazing I really loved what you did with the characters and I think there relationship is so adorable. I was sooo upset from what happened to them in season 3 but this actually made my day I have never been one for fan fictions until i read this. I love your work. Btw i hope they get back together in season 4 kind of one the main reasons i am still watching. If Roy moves on i am gonna be real mad and might even quite the show lmao. Anyway these storys make me really happy as we get to see a different aspect of there lives and what should be there lives in some of your works. Keep up your amazing work. Also dont know if i am leaving this on the right story kinda binged your YJ Cheshire, red arrow stuff till 5am but there all amazing.
Guest chapter 4 . 3/28
ChicaDCC chapter 4 . 3/28
Beautiful and well written as always. You never disappoint.
Feifeltower chapter 1 . 3/25
So well-written! Cannot wait to see what else you have in store!
Guest chapter 1 . 3/25