Reviews for Hang On, There's A Story Here?
Clinio chapter 8 . 10/4/2019
A real pitty this uncompleted work.
YouUselessReptile chapter 8 . 9/13/2011
Duuuuuuuude! Incredible story!Just finished ch8 and I gotta say I hope you're not planing on stop it there! Pleaase don't do that to me!I can't wait to Hermione get up off lazy arse and do something and Ron to get his bloody head out of his ass and kiss her already!x)
Es chapter 8 . 6/8/2004
I demand that you update soon. Like, asap, or I will actually die from suspense. He has to blimming well say somethinhg! PLease!


Pretti-Ducki chapter 7 . 3/25/2004
Yay! So good! Write more soon I'll be waaitinngg! YAYAYAYAYAY!
haha sorry but this is great!
Yami boy chapter 8 . 3/1/2004
Wow! Thiw story is very good too. Really heart-touching. Just discovered it, and I love it, hehe. Thanks a lot for your effort and keep up the great work. _
Cariel chapter 8 . 12/1/2003
You can't just end it there!
Strayct chapter 1 . 10/26/2003
hai, it's me, doing some shameless plugging again, I added a whole complete story, called 'the Ghost girl'. feel free to check it out *wink* *wink* also I will be adding a new chapter to curses tomorrow, thuesday at the very least. (as soon as my beta checked it)

anyway, hope YOU update soon


Lucy-Liza chapter 8 . 8/31/2003
O! Lovely! Absolutely lovely! I'm so glad this is updated!

I love Ron... he's written to well! Aww, and he's so sweet... So sorry for him getting hurt, etc... poor poor Ron.

And poor Hermione! She spends all her time crying over him, poor thing.

Loved the little bit there in the infirmary... so sweet and gave me nice warm tingles. Really lovely. Please oh please update soon and give us some more fab Ron PoV...


Sakura Kinomoto16 chapter 8 . 8/27/2003
Oh yes, please continue this wonderful fic. It's really great! Hermione and Ron 4ever! .
Straycat1 chapter 8 . 8/21/2003
I loved it! totally cool chapter, (like always)

of course you must continue! this story is way too cool to stop! I do hope you continue soon, otherwise I might just have to contact that Audrey-friend of yours and help her kick your butt! _ anyway thanks for all of your wonderful reviews, they really make my day,


Cara3 chapter 8 . 8/21/2003
Hi Dear, loved the small changes you made and I'd like to remember you that this story rocks ! I want you to continue to write it even if OOtP is out. Hope I won't have to wait for too ong for chapter 9,



anny chapter 8 . 8/21/2003
please finish this story.
LavenderBrown chapter 8 . 8/21/2003
Definitely continue! This is one of the best-written HP stories I've come across. I like having "Vicky" attending Hogwarts and creating that tension between Ron and Hermione. And poor Ron, can't control his, er, bodily stuff, can he? :D
Joe Dirt chapter 8 . 8/21/2003
YES keep going with the story. I hate it when ppl just stops in the middle of something good. Keep updating but for heavens sake don't take so bloody long and update sooner.
Bertie Bott chapter 8 . 8/21/2003
Definitely continue! I just finished reading this for the first time - I LOVE it!
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