Reviews for In Another Life
Hyper9 chapter 14 . 7/17
I really enjoyed this. Loved the dynamic between Ginny and her brothers.
Gin110881 chapter 14 . 6/26
Congratulations on your excellent first story. I really enjoyed it.
Let's hope the two of them really make it this time (and Harry wonn't run away again.)
Gin110881 chapter 13 . 6/26
I'm really glad the girls are finally free.
Oh, I knew that Harry was hiding something. He met Ginny earlier but never told her about it.
I'm pretty curious what Harry and Ginny are going to do now. They are both still pretty messed up. Well, I'm not sure about 100% sure about Harry, but Ginny still is. And the reasons harry broke up with her a few weeks earlier are still up. Let's hope they'll find out who'd attacked Ginny and Harry a few weeks ago.
This was a great and exciting chapter.
Gin110881 chapter 12 . 6/26
Wait. Ginny is free? From what? Has she somehow also been bound to the cup? Or to the life of the girls? And what does it mean that she's free? There are still so many questions...
Gin110881 chapter 11 . 6/26
Why do I get the feeling that Harry was lying all the time to Ginny? Not sure what, but he's hiding something.
Oh, they've only been together for two nights. I thought it's been a bit longer. But why is Ginny always so insecure around Harry when she never felt much for him than comfort?
Did harry remove the traces of the attack to keep Ginny out of the investigation? Is this also the reason he came back and asked if she'd found something out?
Was the job offer only a means to find Ginny? Does Harry know the people who offered the job? After all, obviously, he got the same offer.
Only three chapters left, and I'm not yet sure if the two of them will end up together.
Gin110881 chapter 10 . 6/24
Coby? The Coby who'd hired Ginny to clear the tunnel at Blishwick Manor? The Coby, whose name Ginny forgot? Interesting.
I'm pretty curious who the odd boy was Ginny saved and let run away.

I'm pretty curious if Ginny will really give up the little something she has with Harry. I'm still not sure if there was ever more than comforting each other. To be more, there are just too many lies. And somehow I have the feeling that Harry knows more than he tells Ginny.
Intriguing chapter.
Gin110881 chapter 9 . 6/24
Hmm, seems my guess about Harry or Sirius being in the Order was wrong. There seemed to be no real leader, just a group of willing students.
Oh, another mystery. There were 3-year-old entries in the book when the tunnel leading to the room crashed when? About 5 years ago? Did they miss a hidden entry to the room?
(Is there a typo? Do you mean 'waking up' instead of 'walking up'?)
Yikes, I knew it was a bad idea to gallivant through London, knowing the Ministry or someone even worse was watching them. Let's just hope they kept the book and the things they've found in that room safe - and, of course, that nothing too bad had happened to Ginny.
Gin110881 chapter 8 . 6/23
Lol, Harry just used the same 'we're something' I used in my last review.
Ah, yes. That's what I meant. As long as Ginny (and Harry?) think that keeping their secrets is more important than their relationship, they may have 'something', but not something real.

Oh, are the meddlers back? Did the Ministry already meddle with their lives in the past? Oh, 'someone pulling strings'. It seems my guess in an earlier review wasn't that bad, lol. And Ginny doesn't know (or doesn't remember?) who had hired her? Did she even get paid for her work in the last year? And what about Harry? That's odd. And honestly, I was always wondering all the time why nobody ever asked if the made progress in their work in the last year.

Hmm, just a thought while writing this review - was Harry part of this mysterious society? Maybe he (or Sirius) was even the founder? The more I think about it, the more...
Gin110881 chapter 7 . 6/23
Ah, it was great to find out something about Harry's background. But what are they now? Together?
I'm still curious what happened the first time, and why Harry left Ginny. Ginny said she'd forgiven Harry. But there's a difference between forgiven and forgotten, isn't it? Is she ever going to forget that he'd left her (without knowing why)? Somehow, I don't see them together yet. They're just back to something...I dunno what. And I don't know what exactly they had 4 years ago. Or if someone was just secretly meddling with their lives back then.
Gin110881 chapter 6 . 6/23
So, Harry erased his memories after he met Ginny. Before or after he left her? ...ah, he did it all the time. Good thing, he didn't forget Teddy than. Though, I wonder if Harry still remembers why he left Ginny.

Hmm, and I wonder what version of herself Ginny thinks when she refers to being her true self around Harry. The Ginny from 4 years ago? 5 years ago? Or 10 years ago? I had the feeling she was pretty messed up all the time.
...and why is she so insecure and guarded around Harry when she wasn't even a bit heartbroken when he left her? Well, on the other hand, she's insecure and guarded around everyone, isn't she?

Oh well. A society that works for its own goals. I wonder what the real interests of this mysterious society are - and if Ginny's inability to have a proper conversation with anyone was caused by her membership in this secret society.

Intriguing chapter!
Gin110881 chapter 5 . 6/22
Hmm, Ginny thinks it wouldn't work with Harry because they're both different people now? Obviously, it didn't work years ago, why should it work now?
Oh, Harry figured out that he needed to stop running away, and Ginny helped him to realize it...and then he ran away from her? I wonder what happened - and if Harry'd erased his memories before or after he'd left Ginny.
Gin110881 chapter 4 . 6/22
I'm still pretty curious why Harry made friends with the Weasleys, and why he left Ginny the first time. Based on his reaction in the last chapter, after he remembered her, I figured he didn't miss her much.
Is it because he wants to get his missing memories back? That would be a quite convenient excuse.

Hmm, why did Ginny start her job later, and not on Tuesday as she'd mentioned before? And why did Harry show up? Just to annoy Ginny? If he really wanted to talk to her, there would have been better places, without dark magic around.
Interesting chapter. Harry's intentions are still pretty unclear to me, and Ginny is far more messed up than she's admitting to herself. She can't even have a proper conversation with anyone. Can't wait to find out about the reasons.
Gin110881 chapter 3 . 6/21
Oops, Ginny had changed her appearance back then and expected Harry to recognize her now.
Memory gaps and a mysterious, secret society? Seems they're both pretty messed up. I wonder if there's someone in the background pulling the strings...
Intriguing chapter!
Gin110881 chapter 2 . 6/21
Did Ginny run away from Harry 5 years ago? Without knowing who he really was? Did Harry lie about his identity back then? Why?
Oh, that's interesting. Harry, or however he'd called himself, was one of the random blokes Ginny occasionally hooked up with after Hogwarts. But why doesn't Harry know her, but still made friends with the Weasleys? Coincidence? I doubt it. I wonder if he knows more than Ginny believes.
Gin110881 chapter 1 . 6/21
There are quite a few things I'm curious about. I'm curious what Ginny was looking for in Blishwick Manor, and why its absence made her run away, (and what parts of the canon events happened, or if it's completely AU), and why her sudden interest in her past after all the years when she obviously didn't care much before. It's almost as if someone has meddled with her mind in the past. Ah, Harry never went to Hogwarts, so it's at least partly AU. But why does Ginny recognize him, but doesn't know him? And why do I have the feeling, Harry doesn't recognize her in return? It seems that indeed someone played tricks with her mind.
Great first chapter!
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