Reviews for Cripplehood
Guest chapter 4 . 8/6
Thank you for some good writing and keep up the good work
Johnzgamez chapter 4 . 8/8
Good shit. Enty and Portland don’t get along and then do, btw. And Enty hates Washington, but then again, most of the fleet did. Anyways, good shit, have a nice night
Hank J. Wimbleton55 chapter 4 . 8/6
Just a wonderful chapter, knowing more about the personality of Hood and Enterprise, the interactions with the other girl ships, a little more of the lore of the world, as I said, a wonderful chapter.

I can't wait to see how Hood will react to his Commander, the way you explain the workings of Azur Lane, and what other girls decide to add, keep up the good work.
CreepyReaper chapter 4 . 8/6
This is actually one of my favorite Azur Lane fics, ranked right up there with the likes of Mighty Eagle Calm Nest, Chronicles, and Masks of Command. Your writing of Hood is definitely my favorite of any I've seen, and considering the large number of Hood-centric fics, usually focusing on shipping her with Bismarck, that's quite a lot of competition you've got handily beat. I also enjoy the fact that Hood's injuries don't feel like either a gimmick(something tacked on where you need it for a gag or a serious moment and ignored when you don't) or THE fulcrum of the story, but rather another, if recent, feature to her character.

Also, I can't get enough of her teasing and sass, she is a delight. Gotta throw in I appreciate some good writing for my girl Enterprise too, and some very satisfying Arizona-Pennsylvania relationship. Hoping to see Hood and Arizona interacting more in the near future, especially since it seems they're in much the same boat.
joeyginise chapter 4 . 8/6
Interesting decision to make Hood a secret Scott. Was Admiral Hood Scottish? Anyway, I like your interpretation of Hood, its great.

Why must Tenn be rude, she doesn't know what its like to SINK and have her crew killed with only 3 survivors. She is being a bitch for no reason, and she was being mean to Arizona. Such a sin shall never be forgiven. Arizona deserves hugs and affection.

I look forward to the next installment of this story.
Hank J. Wimbleton55 chapter 3 . 7/16
Truly an incredible story so far! the setting, the dialogues, Hood's personality as well as the introduction of the Commander, the subtle background lore, everything enchanted me.

I can't wait to see how you will portray the other characters and what Hood's interaction with his new Commander will be like! Keep up the good work buddy
CreepyReaper chapter 3 . 7/2
This is great! Looking forward to where this goes, and some fantastic writing!
Johnzgamez chapter 3 . 7/1
Yes, please dear god, gimme more of this, this shit is good. I love this. I also like the subtle things, like Electra calling her commander “Sammy”, the fact the Hood forgot to tip, just stuff like that, the small research that makes your fanfiction 100% better.
Guest chapter 3 . 6/26
Really curious as to what good is gonna do without her ship OR her rigging
WarHusky2000 chapter 3 . 6/26
Not reslly much as a constructive criticism but a review of appreciation. This is an interesting story! First of all, I love how Hood is slowly transitioning to being a proper lady to dorky person every once in a while. Thsnk you for your haed work to share your amazing and detailed story to us. Wanting more and hope you're safe! Cheers!
Guest chapter 3 . 6/23
Keep posting. You have so much potential.
therDynamics chapter 3 . 6/25
Man, everyone's writing looks superior to my own. Conversations are witty, flow is relaxing, and I keep returning back to good fics. I'm awful at giving reviews, but keep up the good work. To more writing in the future.
totalitarian driptatorship chapter 3 . 6/25
fully convinced this story is a figment of my imagination, it's just too good to be true
Myth chapter 3 . 6/23
These darn yanks and their construct of tipping. I’m loving the story!
Bones is AFK chapter 3 . 6/23
Hoods commander is totally the drunk, also happy to see this story back alive.
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