Reviews for Love is Easy
Guest chapter 41 . 8/27
Such a brilliant story! Absolutely loved it. I couldn't stop reading it at all, I had to find out what was happening next. Thank you for writing it
mr. clever chapter 38 . 8/23
Doctor Who reference, yeah! Don't know if you remember, but my name is from Doctor Who. Remember the episode where the kids Clara nannys blackmail her into taking them along and the Doctor takes them to the space amusement park that was an entire planet and the cyber men were there and the Doctor was playing chess with the cyber version of himself who wanted to be called "Mr. Clever"? sorry rambled, still WHOVIAN FOR LIFE! Doctor Who is second only to BBC's Sherlock.
mr. clever chapter 38 . 8/23
Doctor Who reference, yeah! Don't know if you remember, but my name is from Doctor Who. Remember the episode where the kids Clara nannys blackmail her into taking them along and the Doctor takes them to the space amusement park that was an entire planet and the cyber men were there and the Doctor was playing chess with the cyber version of himself who wanted to be called "Mr. Clever"? sorry rambled, still WHOVIAN FOR LIFE! Doctor Who is second only to BBC's Sherlock.
Guest chapter 37 . 8/23
not to be a critic or anything, but we don't use quid in the U.S. To quote Percy and Annabeth watching Hercules "fake!" :) No offense intended
mr. clever chapter 13 . 8/23
Hi! I just read your profile and I really appreciated what you said about fanfiction and uniting nations. I live in the U.S., but I have been raised to appreciate the world. And Scotland is the best! I have a lot of Scottish ancestry so my family has always wanted to go Scotland. Quite frankly, with the mess that is American politics, I think tha the U.S. should go back to commonwealth, or at least Canada. love your writing so far, keep going! might I suggest a Hunger Games au? please? bye and thank you!
perceannie chapter 41 . 8/21
This story is really really really awesome! I love it XD XD! This story is now officially on my top most favourite fanfics list!
LeobadboyValdez0 chapter 41 . 8/15
Duddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Where was I?
1Fashionista chapter 26 . 8/16
I know it's really late to say this but i LOVE the reference to miraculous
epic95101 chapter 41 . 8/13
Titan Complex chapter 1 . 8/12
OOOO, this seems interesting! Can't wait to see how this turns out!
MaddieJackson chapter 41 . 8/11
You prob won't see this but...he is gone.
IvyAntionette chapter 41 . 8/9
As I read this chapter, I tried and failed not to cry.
You used my two trigger songs! First I Will Always Love You. That one's kind of hard to explain. I recently read a book called Other Words for Home, and that song was actually a kind of important song in it. Ever since then, that song has made me feel a weird mixture of sad and happy.
Then, you used Perfect! That one makes more sense. When I was in third grade, the instrumental version of Perfect was the song we used for our ballet recital. I heard it so much. And if the music isn't already sad enough, the lyrics, they just hit me! That song means so much to me, and I have so many good memories and sad memories and basically that song just brings back a lot. I could give you a couple more that really get to me, but I feel like you would find some way to torture me with that information.
Anyway. Like I said last time, I'm just so sad to see this story end. I've gotten so much from this. This is the story that gave me the confidence to actually post something that I've written. This is the first story I reviewed. This is a story that I thought about while I went on boring walks with my mom. This story means so much to me. Heck, it even gave me a new playlist! I don't want to sound cheesy, but: I will hold this story in my heart forever.
Actually, here's a funny thing. When I started reading this story, it'd been about a year since I'd finished the Percy Jackson series, and I hadn't even started Heroes of Olympus. But after a while, I was like, ya know what? I need to read Heroes of Olympus. I haven't finished it (I'm still in the middle of House of Hades) but you definitely were one of the people that inspired me to start reading it in the first place.
All in all, this story means so much. Even though I don't really know you, YOU mean so much. You've given me so much, even if you don't know it. Look at me, crying over something so simple. But a great story ending never feels simple to me. And I cry whenever a great story ends.
I would say more, but it's 12:45, I should be asleep, and my phone's at 36%.
I know you won't respond to this, heck, you might not even read it, but I have two more things to say:
1. Sorry for the long review. I just have so much to say.
2. If maybe you're a kind person and you actually care (hey, I can hope!), then can you do me a favor and PM me? You can look me up, my username's IvyAntionette, and just send me one little PM? Just to reply to this? It would seriously mean the world to me.
Well, thanks for everything.
I know you already know, but I like to sign it anyway,
Ivy Antionette
P.S. Keep being awesome and inspiring!
Pandas Are Squishy chapter 41 . 8/9
such a cute ending! and great songs for it too. I can't wait to see your next story
Kate101 chapter 41 . 8/9
HOLY - IM CRYING! This was beautiful! Thank you!
Cheerra12 chapter 41 . 8/9
Such an adorable proposal!
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