Reviews for A Champion of The Light
Gacsam chapter 16 . 15h
This is starting to feel like a crossover, hope wizarding doesn't get replaced with other powers
thunderofdeath97 chapter 16 . 22h
while i don't mind the women you have chosen, i would have liked to have seen daphne, and possibly astoria with harry, even perhaps a succubus or two, and the vampire maria, maybe a magical elf of some kind like queen shala, or a few different elves or something, lol
thunderofdeath97 chapter 9 . 7/26
bellatrix was a part of the group atop the astronomy tower in his sixth year, im pretty sure
Gacsam chapter 4 . 7/26
"I know about the Wow."
The wow-wow.
Gacsam chapter 2 . 7/26
Congratulations, you're a mutant.
thunderofdeath97 chapter 4 . 7/25
its Vow, not Wow
thunderofdeath97 chapter 4 . 7/25
harry isnt a pureblood, his father was, and his mother was a muggleborn, so harry is a halfblood, also if harry is in a relationship with the black sisters like i suspect, then doesn't that also make him a criminal lol
ClaireR89 chapter 2 . 7/24
Bit weird giving Harry gills and taking on part of the animal. Should be hidden till needed maybe?

Unless I missed that line then ignore me
snowmcslow chapter 16 . 7/19
holy fucking shit! this chapter had me standing! sorry for being so vulgar and all but I have to say, i'm in love with your story. It's amazing. I wish I could describe it in words but your story is that. I love it completely. Follow and favorite for this. ~
Goldzar chapter 16 . 7/9
This story is really good. I like some of the interesting changes that you have thrown in. The whole hybrid Harry is a fun idea. I also like this chapter in particular as it expands on the lore of the new world they are in. I also like how the Horcruxes are now there. Though if they ended up there it did kind of foreshadow a dead giveaway to Harry's parents being there. Or at least his mum. So the twist at the end I expected possibly happening but I couldn't be sure which makes it great when you leave it hanging there.
miguel.puentedejesus chapter 1 . 7/8
Un Fantástico Comienzo!
Me Encanto
Galagon17 chapter 16 . 7/8
Beautiful Story, please continue it
mckertis chapter 11 . 6/23
Wow, way to be a useless bitch as usual, McGonagall ! Thanks for destroying any attempt at discretion and secrecy by blabbing every single thing to the whole world.

I dont know how "intelligent" Harry is, but your writing is not intelligent at all.
Guest chapter 2 . 6/21
why give him gills?
treeofsakuras chapter 16 . 6/21
Would be interesting to see more of Harry with shala.
Can’t wait to see what happens next, will more people like James or Sirius be in that world? Or is it just lily?
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