Reviews for A Magical Match
sarah1091 chapter 6 . 7/22
Enjoying so far! Don’t let anyone tear your story down!
pinkduck2587 chapter 1 . 7/14
Can't wait for the next update
Hella Jewels chapter 6 . 7/12
Awful plot idea and stupid story
racegurl87 chapter 6 . 7/12
Is there a way to go back and edit? For some reason the code uploaded with the new chapter and you can’t read it.
LupusNocte13 chapter 6 . 7/12
Hey there, you may want to re-upload the chapter. It came out coded. Look forward to reading it once it's fixed!
Editor's cut chapter 1 . 7/12
Draco came round in a room that reminded him of hospital wing of Hogwarts.
He couldn't really move much. Glancing down he saw below his lower abdomen he was heavily bandaged.
'Good morning Mister Malfoy!' a very familiar bushy haired brunette 'nurse' exclaimed opening a door. The term nurse Draco used only loosely in his head, as he doubted any actual muggle nurses would wear a uniform that short or revealing.
Or made of those muggle materials that had no wizarding counterparts .. ah yes he remembered now latex, spandex and that PCV plastic stuff that Blaise was always going on about.
The 'Nurse Danger' badge completed the bizarre spectacle. She was also ridiculously chirpy which wasn't normal for Dang .. , err, Granger.
'Those strong pain numbing potions will be wearing off soon' she stated.
'What potions!' Draco said breaking his silence.
'The ones you had after your castration of course' she smirked.
Malfoy junior was beyond horrifically aghast. Castration would mean a total end to the family line. All his surviving French cousins were females.
'Wwwhaart!' he managed to splutter out 'YOU HAVE REMOVED MY TESTICLES!?'
'Oh of course not' replied Granger. Draco breathed a sigh of relief. It had all been a hideous prank ..
'I didn't touch you. Hagrid did the actual operation - he's had plenty of practice on problem thestrals. And unfortunately he was a little heavy handed with the meat cleaver and rusty spoon" she continued with a bigger grin spreading "And it wasn't just your testicles - he accidentally removed your entire genitalia!' holding up a clear muggle bag containing some very familiar organs to Draco's face.
Totally speechless his hand shot to his wrapped groin - only to find it empty of contents.
'Perhaps you'll be less aggressive & nasty now?' she quipped & left, her shapely thong clad arse swaying as she did so.
Not that the former Slytherin school'boy' had anything left to appreciate that very sexy sight.
The end (of all of Draco's marriage prospects)
Maddox chapter 6 . 7/12
unreadable utter tripe.
but then all dramione stories are unreadable utter tripe.
this is just that bit more crap and unreadable than most others.
Nikki King chapter 5 . 7/11
Are you still updating this?
Isa Yodice12 chapter 5 . 6/30
x-kayleigh-x chapter 5 . 6/12
Just found your story and I must say it has me hooked! I'm really enjoying the read and can't wait for the next update.
thelavishloser chapter 5 . 6/2
Can't see that the law makes any practical sense.
BratGirl1983 chapter 5 . 6/1
I am really looking forward to the next chapters, please update
Nikki King chapter 4 . 5/30
Please continue this story
Goose chapter 1 . 5/15
God I'll be glad when this alpha/beta shit finally dies. Christ.
muggle lighter chapter 4 . 5/11
Sing a song of shipping,
That'll make you cry,
Smart & decent Muggleborn,
Forced into this lie!

When the plot was opened
Readers began to wail ,
Coz they tried to stick her with Draco,
A total utter fail!

JK was in the World Bank,
Counting out her cash,
Despairing at this pairing,
That is completely trash!

Dramione authors were typing on the net,
Writing out their silly fics,
Never really realising yet,
They look like total dicks!

Sing of wish for filament,
That just goes on & on & on,
Coz so many of these shippers,
Just want to shag Tom Felt-on!

When this ship was ruined,
They began to scream,
As sane intelligent reviewers,
Poured scorn upon their dreams!

(this edited flame is a collaboration between those on hogwarts ***** ***** chatgroup 05/10/20
thanks to all involved)

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