Reviews for Star Wars the Clone Wars: Rise of the true Jedi
EmmettJackson chapter 7 . 7/1
What a great story! Thank you for writing!
Zero chapter 7 . 4/20
Great story this should of been Anakin happy ending that he was seeking plus I hope their will be a sequel. Plus it kind of make scenes for him to be a Jeedi if he seeking balance of the force he need to find it in himself first. Also I can totally see this as a different world than canon.
CT7567Rules chapter 6 . 3/28
Not gonna lie, but I almost thought Wolfe and his men were going to gun down Plo. Thank you Fixer.
Ahsokafanboy1138 chapter 6 . 3/28
Good chapter. Isn't Nyx Okami a Twi'lek? And why did you choose him?
CT7567Rules chapter 5 . 3/27
Hope they stop Sidious in time. Might be a good idea to call in the Bad Batch.
CT7567Rules chapter 4 . 3/27
Didn't see that coming.
Ahsokafanboy1138 chapter 5 . 3/26
I never cared for the Miraluka. A bit surprising that Yoda and Windu are dead but okay. Nice to see how Obi-Wan recognized how much of an an ass he was.
CT7567Rules chapter 3 . 3/26
Disappointing not in the least. Grievous's death by Anti-Armor attachment was awesome. Go Scorch.
Ahsokafanboy1138 chapter 4 . 3/25
I would have preferred that the Forge created Resurgent class Star Destroyers but good chapter.
Ccmonty chapter 3 . 3/24
good fic so far. i would suggest that when switching scenes you make the spaces between senetences longer
she went to bed

the next day she went to the mall
EX end
this gives a better indication that the scene has changed IMO
Ahsokafanboy1138 chapter 3 . 3/22
The fight was good but I think Ahsoka should have killed Grievous directly. Not sure about Anakin using battle meditation. Gar Saxon is part of the Shadow Collective, working for Darth Maul.
Clearwing Yuta chapter 2 . 3/22
Great chapter , can you at least make Anakin and Obi-Wan make peace eventually?
CT7567Rules chapter 2 . 3/22
An Earth 2 star wars huh? I've done that and it worked out well. Love this chapter and love that Delta Squad is working with the 501st. Think we'll be seeing the Bad Batch later on?
CT7567Rules chapter 1 . 3/22
Ok, I love that you brought in Delta Squad, but I am pretty sure you portrayed Rahm Kota all wrong. Granted he did find clones unfit for battle and relied on his own Militia, but he wasn't as cruel as Krell. Oh and Revan, while he did fall to the dark side, proved that attachments for a Jedi aren't something to be ignored, and he was a hero. Plus, Anakin and Obi-Wan's argument, why out of character for him. Still great chapter.
Ahsokafanboy1138 chapter 2 . 3/22
Great update. Wasn't expecting Revan to show up. Will we see Ahsoka's adventures on her own? Also, I am a Luxsoka shipper, so will that be in here?
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