Reviews for cryptid
Guest chapter 30 . 9/3
Great story! Keep writing can’t wait to see what’s in store !
Guest chapter 30 . 8/28
loved this embry remy time! interested to see where the conflict goes! looking forward to more, thanks for writing!
Guest chapter 30 . 8/16
I love this story so much. Literally just binge read it. I can’t wait for your next update!
Guest chapter 30 . 8/13
ughhh remy and embry are too cute together i cant handle it! would def read a spinoff of bobby and leah ! looking forward to more!
manypies chapter 30 . 8/1
you may not be the biggest fan of this chapter but I am! Emrby being a gossip queen made my whole day, and I just love all their conversations, theyre so amusing i could listen to (read?) them all day long. The fluff is truly heart warming i had a big smile onf my face reading it. And yes! The racism needs to be called out thank you! Like Jasper could have literally been any soldier from any time...and meyer was like hmm yes sexy confederate!? there is no satisfactory explanation for that.
OMG YES I would LOVE to also read a Bobby/Leah! But also please update the Paul story im begging you. And Adore is so cute please leave it up, maybe just add a disclaimer that your not going to finish it (which im super sad about but also understand) so people that find it wont be disappointed when they realise its not going to be updated?
Also the incorrect quotes KILL me i love them i fully laugh at them they're hilarious.
Love.Fiction.2020 chapter 30 . 7/30
Awww great chap!
laraceleste chapter 30 . 7/30
I love the chapter and im in lobe with the incorrect quotes
Guest chapter 30 . 7/30
ugh your writing is just *chefs kiss.* i liked how you explored remy's insecurities about her and embry and their relationship and their fluffy picnic was soo cute. i love the way you write their dialogue, it feels so organic even tho the stuff they discuss is supernatural. loved that remy called out the racists and looking forward to reading more! thanks again for writing, your story is a pleasure to read and i always look forward to a new chapter!
tomeii chapter 30 . 7/30
Was the part when they were talking about wolfs vs bears a nod to Embry and Briah (bear)?

Also I think it would be nice if you left adore up. It's been a while since I read it but I remember enjoying it. Might have to re-read.
cHoCoLaTe-RuM chapter 30 . 7/30
Remy gives me serious April Ludgate from Parks and Rec vibes and I'm here for it. Also the incorrect quotes at the end are one of my favorite things to read.
CrackHeadBlonde chapter 30 . 7/29
Ahh cutie fluff at the beginning:)
babyblue44 chapter 30 . 7/29
this chapter had me HOWLING with laughter, and a girl whose currently going through the weirdest romantic heartbreak during quarantine, it was very needed laughter and i am eternally thankful for you. i started cackling at remy calling the cullens racist, because FINALLY someone's saying it. and then i absolutely choked at the fact that you went There: you brought up the fact that jasper was a whole a$$ confederate soldier and all of us just like skimmed over that fact and were like ooo, badass major whitlock. i'm already like... so eager for remy and cullen content? which i don't even think we'll get, but i just feel like she's so chaotic that she would just say literally whatever and it would be incredible.

you might've rewriten this a bunch of times, but i promise you it was so so good. embry being a gossip was wonderful, and no one really writes love interests in twilight fics truly bonding? like just having dumb casual convos about the chaos surrounding them? it's always intense and dramatic but this was so real and lovely to read. the victoria thing genuinely surprised me, and i can't wait to see where the briah story line goes.

p.s. sorry this review is so long, i just love this fic- i am absolutely SO here for a leah and bobby fic. god bless. thank you so much.
Guest chapter 29 . 7/28
thanks for writing! this chapter was great, i would love to see more remy/embry fluff but also bobby and leah? bc i feel like that pairing is a blessing lmao. really hope bear isnt thinking about turning remy bc yikes LOL. Love the incorrect quotes theyre v funny! looking forward to another chap!
lilalila2000 chapter 29 . 7/27
I love the incorrect quotescan’t wait for the next chapter !
lilalila2000 chapter 29 . 7/27
I love the incorrect quotescan’t wait for the next chapter !
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