Reviews for Poison Us
anonymus chapter 6 . 5/4
Cute story. I like it a lot.
NoilyPrat chapter 6 . 4/20
Yep, the irony of posting during freaking pandemic.
CalandNik chapter 6 . 4/20
Absolutely fantastic fic!
NoilyPrat chapter 5 . 4/13
It's been an interesting ride. Good fleshed out characters, wonderful storyline. Look forward to Nik at full strength and Cal stepping down as older brother.

REALLY enjoyed description of how much detailed cleaning Cal did!
LauraJ42 chapter 5 . 4/13
The irony about the time of posting is pretty amusing.
Thanks again for sharing! Looking forward to the last chapter!
NoilyPrat chapter 4 . 4/6
Enjoying reading about the brothers fighting the poison in Nik's body.

(You have a continuity for the middle of the night, which it needs to be early morning, if the quarter to four comment earlier happened first)
CalandNik chapter 4 . 4/6
Oh! I absolutely love this! Great writing!
NoilyPrat chapter 3 . 3/31
I hadn't realized that Cal wasn't sick. I thought he'd been feeling poorly earlier, but I guess I was wrong?
Liked the burnt toast and ketchup and mustard sandwich. And having a teen clean? WHOA! End of the world stuff. Interesting artwork on his wall. Also interesting is the fact that lying to Nik happened.
LauraJ42 chapter 3 . 3/30
I’ve been waiting! Lockdown has me more impatient for updates. Again, love your writing!
scootersmom chapter 2 . 3/23
I enjoyed this very much although I am still trying to figure out the basics about each brother, at least I think they are brothers. Where did you hear about them? Were they on a show long ago? never heard of them before.
Fat Puppy chapter 1 . 3/16
A sick Niko? A panicked Cal because of a sick Niko? A Goo Monster? So, this is gonna be a jackpot of fun and angst, isnt it? Can’t wait to read the next chapter!
NoilyPrat chapter 1 . 3/16
Can't wait to read the rest. Still haven't made it thru the first book, however work has been canceled for the next 2 weeks. No school. Pandemic. Soooooooo... the 15 books on my shelf will get a serious dent if I ever get off fanfiction