Reviews for A Little Piece of My Heart
TwiFanfictionRecs chapter 1 . 7h
A Little Piece Of My Heart & The Missing Piece have been nominated in the poll to find the Top 10 fics completed in July at www . twifanfictionrecs . com
princeselisa chapter 20 . 7/25
Loved the ending! Thank you
princeselisa chapter 19 . 7/25
KDMCAM chapter 20 . 7/24
Loved this ending! Esme and her TMI IS SO FUNNY!
KDMCAM chapter 19 . 7/24
I don’t think anyone can dislike this Edward when you give us an epilogue with all this lemonade!
MeteorOnAMoonlessNight chapter 20 . 7/24
Good Story
MeteorOnAMoonlessNight chapter 19 . 7/24
Ajfflady chapter 20 . 7/23
A conflicted, confusing look at attraction and modern relationships. I did not know what would happen next for these two. The wedding realization was so satisfying to read. A long and winding road to be sure. Well done.
marigold123 chapter 20 . 7/22
Wonderful story! Thank you for your generosity in donating to BOTB compilation. I enjoyed reading about these two and how they figured it all out. Thank you for writing.
Alice's White Rabbit chapter 20 . 7/21
Aww, this was a wonderful ending for both stories.

Midnight Cougar chapter 20 . 7/20
And a beautiful ending it is. I enjoyed this story so much, and so happy they for their HEA. Great! X
lillianolivia.white chapter 20 . 7/20
Ahhhh, this was so sweet. They have a great relationship. Im so happy for them.
trisha63 chapter 20 . 7/20
What a wonderful way to end this fantastic, little love story! Yes, Edward certainly had his moments early in the story where I wondered just how he was going to redeem himself, but I trusted you when you originally said it was a happily ever after type of story. He did redeem himself and Bella straightened herself out, as well, and here they are together, in love, and about to be parents. Can't get better than that! I've read all of your stories and they keep getting better and better, so please don't let guest reviewer trolls make you doubt yourself. Take care and stay safe, Trisha :}
edwardsgirl007 chapter 20 . 7/20
I wish I could have loved these characters but it wasn't in the cards for me, lol! It might have helped if we'd had a few more chapters to warm up to Edward, but as it was, there was too little of them together after Kate left and it never afforded us a real opportunity to see where the love began or how it grew. It was kind of like Kate was there one day and then gone and there was Bella. I am however, loving Edward in Third Time's a Charm! As always I respect you for sticking to your guns! Thank you for writing!
Cullen Cousin chapter 19 . 7/20
good chapter
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