Reviews for Partners - Bond of Eternity
Old Diggy chapter 1 . 7/23
Well all that did was make me feel bad for Raphtalia since she's going to be stuck with the slave trade and likely die from her sickness.
JustAnotherGuest chapter 1 . 7/8
Is there a chance for an update to this? So far the story looks promising, it'd be awesome for another chapter.
koneko-chan chapter 1 . 4/24
Promises to be an interesting story.
I wonder how you will develop this moment. Will you give them a break or throw them in the action right away?
Keep it up!
The-real-dragon-rider chapter 1 . 4/22
I'm getting a "bonding over necessity" vibe from the start; one that will develop into friendship and then a romantic relationship as time goes on. Please don't let this story die and keep up the good work!
Eldritch Namer chapter 1 . 4/14
This is pretty good.
Reevesh chapter 1 . 3/27
Now i'm excited! I hope the next update comes soon, i wonder if we'll see Raphtalia later on.
TheCheshireCat01 chapter 1 . 3/26
I'm super interested to see what happens next!

I've always loved Naofumi and Glass together, they seem to gravitate towards each other whenever they meet.

Hope to see more soon :)
Guest chapter 1 . 3/17
So Naofumi was teleported to the glass world, if that's true then I think Naofumi should stay in that world, since the Merlomack people in the other world hates him for being the shield hero, it would make sense that Naofumi would not want to return because of the way they treated him.

Finally I want to mention that time in the glass world passes faster than the other world, an example of this is the light novel where it is mentioned that Naofumi and his team were in the glass world for one month, while in the other world spent two and a half weeks
Proxy4818 chapter 1 . 3/17
Off to a nice start I hope to see the next ch soon.
Ramen is great chapter 1 . 3/16’re really well-read in the story instead of half-heart it. Was that Glass when they sent her to an impossible mission to kill her but it also the time she met Kizuna?
Moshiyari chapter 1 . 3/16
Very interesting start. Definitely looking forward for more.
Guest chapter 1 . 3/16
hcook10 chapter 1 . 3/15
The pairing everyone thought of but no one would make, or at least no story got far enough.

Thank you
RedFistCannon chapter 1 . 3/15
I loved the idea.
Reading a good Naofumi x Glass fic has been something I've been hoping to do for a while and fortunately, you're delivering just what I wanted.
I love how you made their meeting look, it's not something irrational like "Love at first sight", both of them probably won't trust one another 100% for a while before any form of meanigfull bond can form.
Although I wish to ask about Raphtalia and Filo, will they still be part of the story in some way?
I'd hate to see them killed off (or in Filo's case, never born).
If they do appear it'd be nice to see them treated as family or even daughters.
Peace and I hope you update soon!
Midnight49 chapter 1 . 3/15
And with this great encounter a beautiful relationship with blossom.
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