Reviews for The Witcher: Through the Worlds
LiHenZ chapter 1 . 6/16
I appreciate the story, I knew it was hard to write a good one. I even felt that the one I write always not good enough when reading it. so it hard to write this kind of story that makes even yourself enjoyed reading it.
TorrhenWintry chapter 54 . 6/16
At first I was confused as to why they didn't take out the fiend before hand, but I liked how you kind of made Dom regress to what he has told Geralt he was like when he had thought him and Yen were dead and Ciri was out of his reach, throwing himself at strong monsters without a care for his own survival. Glad we finally got Ciri back in the picture and can't wait to see the changes this brings about in Dom as well, keep up the good work.
TwuigiWuigi chapter 54 . 6/16
I love it and you are an absolute legend
Guest chapter 53 . 6/16
You impress me.!
TheCarlosInferno chapter 53 . 6/15
Gotta ask, are you going to write the two DLC as well? I don't wanna say goodbye to this story anytime soon.
Guest chapter 53 . 6/14
Enjoy the chapter and
as always the storyline
TorrhenWintry chapter 53 . 6/14
Another great chapter, love how Dom goes from "you're your own man and I think you can help" to "I'll kill you if you even look in Vizima's general direction" with Declan, but I really liked the whole fighting together against assassins scene. It truly embodies the idea that "we find our true friends on the battlefield" and also really shows how much Dom has grown as a person since the beginning of the story. We've already seen him progress martially, now we got to see him progress in mentally. Keep up the good work and can't wait for the reunion between Dom and Ciri.
TorrhenWintry chapter 52 . 6/14
Literally before I read this I was thinking about this quest and that Dom could learn cat school techniques from this guy. Glad to see that this fun little add-on got put in for an unexpected ally in the fight to come.
sundown923 chapter 2 . 6/13
And i think its terrible how some people react or say in reviews. I understand and fully support constructive criticism but the outright flaming and verbal abuse is disgusting. Its unnecessary and quite rude and can make the author feel quite bad and make them disheartened. There's a difference between voicing your complaints or something that you believe could be written better and outright attacking them for writing a story that is free to read, if you don't like it, you don't have to read it, take your toxicity elsewhere.
sundown923 chapter 1 . 6/13
Just started this, looks amazing and you did a good job writing the OC realistic and not a gary-stu that just stomps everything in his path.
Memnon45 chapter 52 . 6/13
Awesome chapter man, I’m glad Gaetan will go to Kaer Morhen to fight the Wild Hunt wished they did that in the game that way you get the school of the Wolf, Cat and Viper fight side by side. Would be awesome. Keep up the great work and you stay safe to man.
TwuigiWuigi chapter 52 . 6/13
just in general a great story I enjoy it so much. love the humor tid bits and then the wholesome moments. all in all great story
Anakins hyper chapter 51 . 6/11
Great chapter.
Anakins hyper chapter 50 . 6/11
I have never laughed so har on a chapter. Attack of the
Flower crown Dress wearing toilet paper thiefs lmao.
Guest chapter 51 . 6/11
Interesting chapter

Great relationship dom and sister
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