Reviews for
NamNamBolle chapter 1 . 6/10
I'm super intrigued, hope you continue!
Hashirama 1710 chapter 1 . 4/14
what does obito gen mean?
either way nice chapter
Demona Evernight chapter 1 . 4/9
I'm not sure what to think of this yet, but I am intrigued please continue
bescobder chapter 1 . 4/8
It's an interesting start but isn't Minato very young at that very moment? I guess that you can do that, but it would make him the same age as the sannin at least.
chloemika chapter 1 . 3/18
omg! perfect first chapter! I'm already in love! amazing job!
LdCrown chapter 1 . 3/14
I read countless fanfic where mc just goes straight to hokage when he/she (accidentally) come to Konaha. I mean come on! They produce kid genius several times, how could they be so lax towards them. At least, author has common sense to put this logical approach.

Thumb up to author for tricking this reader to believing it was naruto's era

The start of story was refreshing, mc is interrogate by Ibiki-a-like (because seriously ibiki is the same age as Kakashi despite he look way other than Inochi, it must be his relative right). There are no way, the leader of IT was need to interrogate some kid (even if he is Protagonist of the story)

I have so many questions but that just give away spoiler to people. This fanfic is so recommended by me, because it eat inside me with questions (is that even the correct word, meh english is not even my first language so don't mind it). Make the story more interesting.
LdCrown chapter 1 . 3/14
To be frank, the story is excellent!
I have read , pfanfic where mc just goes straight to hokage when mc come to Konaha
hamartiia chapter 1 . 3/12
your username? fantastic
this fic so far? fantastic
im loving the personality so far, and the thought processes that are happening. i really enjoyed reading! i look forward to reading more! tysm for sharing
Nayrcon chapter 1 . 3/12
thanks for the chapterim intruiged to see where you go with this story but i already like the MCs personality and im curious what butterfly effect your AU world will have. Dont have much else to say other than keep up the good work :3
until next time~
Slaggedfire chapter 1 . 3/11
I'm a little disappointed you chose to place yourself in Konoha tbh. I understand that it's easier to write Konoha, but it's just so overdone.