Reviews for What Happens In Vegas
Feathersblue17 chapter 35 . 7/10
omg loves this so much! so much sexual tension and angst its wonderful!
Brenna345 chapter 28 . 5/18
GO BEN GO! Man I wish my dad was like Han. Also was that “never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game” a reference to A Cinderella Story? Love it. This story is so well written. I feel like you had a nice grip on the plot the whole time; you certainly planned further ahead than Disney did with this trilogy, haha! After I finish this, I hope to find more stories from you to read!
Brenna345 chapter 20 . 5/17
Haha! Nevermind I googled it! Anyways, I’m really enjoying this story so far. The plot is very fun, and I’ve been giggling nonstop. My poor neighbors can probably hear me at 4am. Thank you for writing this!
Brenna345 chapter 20 . 5/17
Awee this is adorable! Is the book that Rey’s talking about, where a lighthouse means something different for everyone, a real book? Please let me know because I’d love to read it
Amzzy1118 chapter 35 . 5/17
Such a sweet ending! This was one of my favourite stories and so sad it’s over but can’t wait for what you write next
Guest chapter 35 . 5/16
What a wonderful and lovely ending! I loved it! I am going to really miss this story. Looking forward for your future fics. Congratulations on this one, it was awesome, I loved every detail!
Hartmannclan chapter 35 . 5/16
I'm smiling :)) Big ol' smiles. What happens in Vegas never stays there (facepalm) absolutely true for these babies! I love the twins and their vow to never go to Vegas again. HEA delivered (raucous applause)! :)))
glitterstar7 chapter 35 . 5/16
Aww...this was perfect. How appropriate that Ben and Rey go back to Vegas with their friends for their anniversary and came back with another pleasant surprise! I loved the way Rey told Ben the news at their lighthouse... I thought Ben's reaction was perfect being shocked and happy. I loved that they ended up with twins... just like Leia and Luke! I loved the end scene with Ben and Rey teasing each other and happily holding their babies. A very happy ending indeed! Can't wait to see what you have planned next.
Amzzy1118 chapter 34 . 5/14
Awe this was the best! Love it and so sad it’s over! Dying for the epilogue. 100% believe they are gonna be pregnant!

Please continue writing more stories! Loved this one so much!
Guest chapter 34 . 5/14
This was so beautiful! I am going to really miss your fic so much!
kg2020 chapter 34 . 5/14
I love this story! I hope there is a sequel...there's still so much story to tell. You've done an amazing job developing these characters. Thank you for all your wonderful work.
glitterstar7 chapter 34 . 5/14
I loved this chapter... after all the angst, this was perfect. I loved all the banter at the party, and it was just sweet how everyone was so happy that Ben and Rey are finally together. Their first official date at home was perfection and totally them. I loved their vows... after everything it was well worth it to see Ben and Rey so happy. Now I can't wait for the epilogue... I have an inkling that possibly and hopefully there will be a little Solo on the way.
Hartmannclan chapter 34 . 5/14
I tried so valiantly not to cry at your fluff and I did anyway. Goosefeather fluffy soft :))) (hearts)
Amzzy1118 chapter 33 . 5/13
I LOVED this chapter! I am so happy to finally see them together! Can't wait for the last two but also really sad its gonna be over so soon
glitterstar7 chapter 33 . 5/12
Okay, I'm going to use this as a double review for this chapter and the last one (been studying for finals, so getting a chance now as I need a break... LOL)

It was perfect that Ben and Rey reunited at the lighthouse! I loved how timid they were in the beginning, but finally admitted their feelings to each other. I'm glad our two favorite idiots finally were honest with each other... their admissions were perfect and totally them. I'm just happy they came to their damn senses!

I loved the fluffiness of their first morning together officially as a couple! I think it was a perfect blend showing their affection, while not going into graphic detail. Personally, this matches the way I like to write... there's a certain line where you can imagine, but still be respectful. I thought it was cute how they sent that selfie to their friends and to Han and Leia to show they were together, and loved how happy everyone was for them! I had to laugh at the banter when Poe called and interrupted them...and it's sweet our favorite couple just wants to be together after wasting so much time. The nicknames were cute... I love Ben's use of "Sweetheart" as it totally reminded me of Han right there, and the use of "Baby" to lead to more intimate activities... lol. Now I can't wait to see the impromptu wedding reception Poe and their friends have planned for them.
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