Reviews for Penance
Lilly96 chapter 15 . 7/19
On chapter 15 and the twist of Felix being captured. How can you do that to my heart worried to keep reading...
Lilly96 chapter 6 . 7/19
Just want to say i binged the first story and am in love with the way you write! It is so refreshing to read.
hauntedpumpkin56 chapter 25 . 7/17
Great battle scene!
shayna.kasdan chapter 25 . 7/17
honestly such a perfect battle scene!
Dia Pristou chapter 25 . 7/17
Finally ! I cried so much ! finally, they won the war. I'm relieved. Eager to read what follows. Thanks for writing
xlDarkstarlx chapter 25 . 7/17
Dude! IT WAS MOST EXCELLENT ! Like I was shaking reading it ! No lie! Also, Rip Corin and Irina buuut love that everyone else is still alive. I loved the entrance of her saving her king Lmao always leave it to the woman to get it done! And her gift! That was awesome! I feel I am totally okay with waiting for the next chapter for awhile because this once was absolutely brilliant :) I can’t wait for her to get married! Ugh it’ll be great! Oh and dude man aro will be pissed when he finds out about all the shit she went through. I hope she opens up about it to them as well :) you did great as always! I can’t wait for the next chapt!
Hoobeehoo chapter 24 . 7/14
This is so good. I just binge read this and the last book. Absolutely love and can’t wait to see how she is in battle. I think we are all waiting for revenge!
mariananininha chapter 23 . 7/10
I cant wait for more
neatfreak16 chapter 24 . 7/10
3 3 3
Maia2.0 chapter 24 . 7/9
Damn these chapters are thrilling, I cant fucking wait for the battle. Good fucking job!
xlDarkstarlx chapter 24 . 7/9
Ahhhhhh man! That was dope! Sorry I haven’t commented on your last few updates (which were brilliant btw) dude I can’t wait to see what you plan on having her do! And I already know the next chapters gonna be a part 2. Like there’s no way you can fit her being a badass and reuniting with her mates, the victory, seeing her family AND the wedding (which maybe you’ll write out? Who knows) so I’m not sweating haha but I am sad to see there finish since there’s not a lot of stories this amazing where the love interest are the kings...also like..maybe you’ll have a Cesar story ahaha . . anyway listen to some dope edm music to get you in the fighting spirit (I recommend San Holo or Apashe) oh and don’t kill Hugo! Leave the precious baby alive..or not..
mariananininha chapter 24 . 7/9
Holy s*** come back pleaseee
I need read more that story , this is story it's amazing, you are very very amazing
Guest chapter 24 . 7/9
Omg. Can’t wait for the battle.
interceptor1997 chapter 23 . 7/6
I have a theory as to why bella had "perfect" control is because she was the mother of a hybrid, the Nahuel turned his aunt and she had pretty good control too only when the vampire is far from the hybrid does there control slip because Bella almost attacked Edward when she came across the mountain climber, but the mating bond could have helped in that situation. Rowan is in a similar environment as Jasper when he was turned and he has less control compared to the other Cullen's so it makes sense that Rowan would slip but she has control because the Volturi have human staff and Rowan didn't react. Theory done lol Love your updates I love how Maxim is protective of Rowan not only because she is his queen but I feel its because he genuinely respects her and can't wait to see him on her guard detail.
HannahStewart-chan chapter 23 . 7/5
So I think she will probably do something stupid because you normaly write your story that way. Its just your style. And I don't think she will be able to control her gift in time (again that is not your writing style) but I think she will be able to do a lot of damage regardless with the bit that she can already control. It would probably take her mates to snap her out of her gift but otherwise it would be a mix.

What I would like to add though because I am scared for the volturi members and your style to kill of people: Vampires in battle are only truly dead aftervthey get burned. I know thatvyou know that but that also means that you can rip people apart on the battlefield and making them uncapable to fight without kilking them for good. Cause realisticly on a real battlefield (see breaking dawn part 2 the movie) no one has time to light every enemy on fire and the romanians can't carry tgat many lighters to kill all. The only person that got burned in the movie was Aro cause he was the leader and the volturi members are bound to the kings more then the name. All others were still body parts on the field or fell in the lava. So what my rambling means is: please don't kill (like really kill) more of Rowans friends and such. Even from a realistic point of view are there other ways.

I hope you have a relaxed day and I wish you well ;)
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