Reviews for Revealing the Truth
wandering-lotus chapter 5 . 7/19
Awww Kakairi (or Aikashi?)! I gotta say, I’m not sure how I feel about how fast it’s moving. On one hand, I’ve always imagined Kakashi as moving really slow and really cautious with romance BUT on the other hand, in a sea of kaka/OC slow burn fics, this is really refreshing and really cute!
wandering-lotus chapter 1 . 7/19
Oooh a murder mystery? I’m intrigued! Good first chapter so far!
Myst Marshall chapter 10 . 5/15

Sorry, been meaning to leave a review on this story. :) I just wanted to say that I first clicked on your story because you have an intriguing concept, even if I normally stay away from OC. I have to say though, I'm glad that you created a strong heroine!

Early on in the story, I actually thought Kazuko was going to meet Anbu Kakashi and then fall in love with him as they worked together, but I'm pleasantly surprised at how this story turned out. I really enjoyed Kazuko's interactions with Team Seven (esp Naruto!) and it was definitely cute how she was more reserved about showing affection in front of the kids/in public.

The only problem I had with the story was that I felt that they had fallen in love with each other too quickly. A few glances and the attraction was there? But then again, that was before I realized this was going to be a short fic (I had thought it was longer), so the quick development makes sense even if it made Kakashi seem slightly out of character.

Anyways, thank you for writing this fic! I really enjoyed the read and I hope you will be writing more stories with Kakashi as the main character in the future!

Hayla chapter 5 . 4/6
This was so cute! Can’t wait for more!
Tali chapter 1 . 3/7
I like it so far :)
I am interested in how the story will continue! Would've loved to keep reading haha
I have a tendency to binge read stories I get hooked on.

That sounds horrible btw, I write too and losing a whole or half of a story?
I would be hella angry and sad.

So props to you for writing this from memory!
Hope you can still enjoy writing and posting it :)