Reviews for Eye of the Storm
njtreat13 chapter 9 . 10/14
Really great story, I love the arc it is on, I would love to see claudia surviving and having a slow redemption arc, but from the way the piece is going it looks pretty certain that your going to be knocking her off.
NightOwlHope chapter 9 . 9/30
Hi Ocaj, awesome chapter this weekend, I bet it was shocking for Rayla that turns out Callum is working with the Dark Mages. Now one of the questions remains, what is Rayla going to do about it? Its painful when you have to fight your lover, but she doesn't know he's being controlled by Claudia.

For your opinion, do have hope that the 2 lovers will reunite and Rayla finding way to break the controlment? Btw, how's the day's been going besides Covid-19? Hopefully they'll find a cure very soon because USA where I live is number 1#, but me and family are still okay and being extra careful.

Keep on doing a fantastic job on the chapters dude.

NightOwlHope Signing Off!
Rainbowhawk1993 chapter 9 . 9/29
Well... $hit!

From how you responded vaguely to my predictions, I’m going to assume Rayla will know exactly that Callum is controlled when she sees Claudia or Catlyn drops her name.

Considering that Umbra is going to be in the story for the long haul, I have a feeling the attack will fail and Claudia will be forced to retreat. But if Callum is going to be freed and not continue to be Claudia’s slave for season 6, she’ll have to be severally wounded so Callum can be free from her. Perhaps after Claudia retreats and Callum is free, Callum will be distraught from what he was forced to do and Umbra will demand him to be executed. But Rayla will make the ultimate choice and go rouge to escape with Callum and both of them will become fugitives for season 6 and 7.

God this is going to be heart wrenching.
Oragonking chapter 9 . 9/29
Auruem Umbra must have a bad experience once with a Dark Mage if he has become this agitated. I hope to learn more about this Dragon life story. I also hope that Rayla will be able to free Callum from the Claudia's spell.
Knighthunter911700 chapter 9 . 9/29
What dire circumstances they have found themselves in. The way I see this going is that Rayla brings Callum back to his senses, Claudia call arovous to bring them back and Callum is them either chanted again or tortured.

Another great chapter, though I wonder how you will handle the political mess that will come with Callum’s betrayal.
Brenne chapter 9 . 9/29
OH NO! OH NO! OH NO! I gotta see what happens next! Looking forward to more! XD
Mateusz Weryski chapter 9 . 9/29
I have a question considering like the next season of this, will you be taking a break after leaving us on a cliffhanger next week or will it be a continuous story?
NightOwlHope chapter 8 . 9/23
Hi Ocaj, this was an interesting chapter and surprising one as well. Oh boy they don't where Callum especially Rayla doesn't know, and if they don't find him a war might break out soon. I think one of the characters from the show had a point. Sometimes arrogance and carelessness from powerful beings is very dangerous if someone is missing, that's right I'm talking about you Dragon king.

From your own opinion, do you think Rayla is probably going to be shock at Callum of the hypnotism? Also, is there going to be a third story after the Eye of the Storm? Great job of the journey so far dude!

Keep on doing doing an awesome job of the story my friend.

NightOwlHope Signing Off!
Dragon Lord Draco chapter 8 . 9/20
... talk about the worst possible way for him to find out, attacking the storm spire again? Bad move.
Guest chapter 8 . 9/19
I guess Zubeia is quite displeased with Aerum Umbra not caring about Callum, since hdoesn't care if Callum dies in the dessert. I hope she gives him an earful.
Mateusz Weryski chapter 8 . 9/19
angsty angst... the scenes with Claudia are unsettling ah hell! I really hope rayla will reach Callum before the ending of this lets sa season ;D I don't want to wait! great chapter, great story, great writing! keep it up :D
mdauben chapter 8 . 9/18
It seems both our friends are on dire situations. Rayla disgraced and Callum mind controlled. I'm really worried what will happen if they follow through with this plan to attack the storm spire.
Rainbowhawk1993 chapter 8 . 9/18

Based on the new factors introduced:

1. Arravos’s Binding spell (Which I think would be cooler if it was called a “tether”, but that’s just me.)
2. Claudia’s brash plan to attack the Storm Spire again.
3. Rayla’s demotion and distraught.
4. The fact a dragon heart is needed to finish the project.

Here’s what might happen:

1. Half of the Dragonguard is killed in the attack.
2. A Dragon is killed (Probably Zubeia because Umbra would lead to more interesting conflict and push Zym to undergo a similar character arc as Ezran.)
3. Claudia’s Army is nearly destroyed because she overestimated and activates the tether to escape with Callum and the corpse of Zubeia.
4. Just in the nick of time, Rayla will grab Callum and be pulled through the tether.
5. Rayla will confront Claudia and with no other option since Claudia will not give Callum up, Rayla will scream in bloody rage and her first permanent kill will be Claudia. Afterwards, both Callum and Rayla will share a traumatized hug as they apologize and forgive one another for everything that’s happened.

Still don’t know how Ezran or Viren will factor into this though.
Brenne chapter 8 . 9/18
Oh no! Poor Callum! I really hope Rayla knows that Callum would NEVER willingly attack the Storm Spire. Does Ibis know by now that Callum left the school? Life is just being really harsh with Callum and Rayla. I wonder what happens next! Looking forward to more! XD
Oragonking chapter 8 . 9/18
Okay, things are looking bad now. What's the deal with Umbra? What's the reason why he doesn't care about Callum or any Human life? Anyway, it's seems you had the same thoughts. That an Elf is the real creator of dark magic and he give it to Ziard. Though Ziard and other people who follow him knows how to use dark magic wiselly... does that means that Zeron is a dark Dragon?
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