Reviews for The Clone's Hero
Liam chapter 30 . 7/21
I miss your story so much! It's not even August yet and I want you back so badly! Sorry if I'm sounding pushy, I just love this story and your writing and your descriptions of the next 3 arcs got me really excited!

This chapter is especially my favourite! I can totally imagine Anakin doing that if a clone outside from the 501st saw him and Padme! That talk between him and Steele was great, sad, and emotional at the same time. Anakin kinda inadvertently told Steele if he's got something for Aliyah, he should GO FOR IT. *I'm rooting for you Steele! :D

Also, love how you brought back Wolffe! I haven't seen him since the Intro arc so it's nice to see that he and Steele still get along and are actually quite close! Monthly catch-up dinners? That's so wholesome! It's so funny that Steele also catches Obi-Wan and Satine together eating dinner! XD I can imagine that he's done with Jedi breaking their own code and making him keep it a secret for them!

Man, Steele must really trust Wolffe is he's willing to tell him that he's starting to value Aliyah more than just a general. And considering that Wolffe's general is Plo, who in this story is Aliyah's master, it makes it all the more stakeheld!

I'm really excited for the next arc! Ugh, August get here soon! Or December! Whichever month you're coming back on Mira! Lots of luck!
TobiasTheClone chapter 30 . 7/14
I do Not think Steele will shoot her Düring Order 66 because Clone Commandos had a better ability to think for them selfes and decided against Order 66, Canonly speaking.
Mr.StarWarsFans chapter 30 . 7/14
Day 1 one of The Clone's Hero being on hiatus and I'm already suffering from withdrawal symptoms
Radicalewe3 chapter 30 . 7/11
I’m back I didn’t have internet for a while sorry for not commenting. But now u really got me excited I can feel the romance starting
CuriousKatt chapter 30 . 7/11
I loved this chapter! It's so cute how their relationship is developing. I like it better when the romance happens more slowly, like how you're writing it, because it feels more real and less cheesy.
DojoYoyo chapter 30 . 7/11
I freakin love it! Also, I cannot wait for the Bad Batch arc, Fives’ conspiracy arc and the Final arc! May the Force be with you, always!
Kobk chapter 30 . 7/10
Up next! Poor Steel walks in on Kit Fisto and Aayla Secura.
Akira-Hayama chapter 30 . 7/10
Well, at least Steele has something to talk with Rex whenever that topic comes up, lol. Even Obi Wan if they interact in the future, now that he’s seen him with Satine. Welcome to the, ‘I know you’re secret wife’ club, Steele!

Can’t deny that it’s a comedic image having Anakin running after Steele, shouting at him to stop, only for him to retort back. I’m just imagining that ‘why are you running’ meme, but just replacing with these two, lol.
‘I swear I didn’t see anything, sir!Then why are you runningBecause I don’t think you believe me!’
Bloody brilliant!

The comedy aside, the talk between Steele and Anakin was nice though. I think Anakin sharing his reasons as to why he thinks this relationship is worth it could help Steele come to terms with what he’s feeling for Aliyah. It’s a complicated matter, especially for him, coz Aliyah might face all those things that Anakin listed, but a Clone would probably face worse. Reconditioning being one of them. It’s precarious, especially as we don’t know how Aliyah feels right now. She’s given hints(?), but not enough to confirm anything.

Can only hope this Jedi/Clone relationship would actually have their happy ending, coz apparently that doesn’t seem to be the case. Etain and Darman? Former dies during Order 66 by a Jedi Padawan while she was trying to protect a Clone, and the latter is left caring for their child. Aayla and Bly? (even if it’s my headcanon) Latter proceeds to shoot the former multiple times in the back.

Good chapter overall. Till next time!
Tsutayo77 chapter 30 . 7/10
I really enjoy your writing! So much about this story to like, especially Wolffe's friendship with Steele. I'm so happy Steele is finally realizing his feelings for Aliyah. I love the relationship thats developing between the two of them. Can't wait to see what happens next!
Starpottergeek chapter 30 . 7/10
good job keep up the good work and thanks for the estimate on when the next arcs are going to be released
Valentina1105 chapter 30 . 7/10
I really liked the descriptions of the next arcs in your story, I am a faithful follower of this story and I know I can wait all that time to see another good chapterI am excited about the next Arc because "Clone Force 99" appears, I really liked it their personalities it was a pity that they only came out in the last season of The Clone Wars and we couldn't see more of thembut I'm sure you will develop these characters welluntil next time bye !
KarajeJinsta chapter 30 . 7/10
Honestly, your book is sooo good, I don’t even mind waiting that long!
I will never grow tired of your writing, so you can be sure to see me back whenever you’re posting next!
As for this chapter in general, I did NOT expect him to see Satine, that made me laugh so hard. And the chugging of that glass of water, so funny!
Wolffe must be getting such a kick out of this, (Steele’s nickname and all that!) Such a good chapter!
CotyT232 chapter 29 . 7/9
I love Aliyah and Steele's relationship with all mi heart!
Mr.StarWarsFans chapter 29 . 7/8
You did something I didn't was possible. You made a Star Wars pairing I like more than any of the canon pairings. (Also, sorry for not reviewing in such a long time, I wanted to take a break and leisurely read. But seeing how stressed you are currently with your life, I think I should leave a little something that commend your efforts! You're able to give out such great chapters while working hard in school! Thank you.)
KarajeJinsta chapter 29 . 7/6
*sobs on the ground*
Oh noooo! Why must she have had a horrible childhood! Well thank goodness for Plo Koon. (And Steele! *winks*)
Okay. I can’t get over how stupid the Senators were in the beginning. I mean, what the Kriff guys! They’re just looking for an excuse to be jerks!
*huffs angrily*
Great job though. I love their ship more and more, and I’m glad Steele got to be their for her this time :)
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