Reviews for Shinigami
Peacekeeper904 chapter 2 . 9/13
I think this story has great potential and it’s certainly got me interested. I know you’re probably busy with Meow but I can’t wait to see how this one goes as well.
chibianimefan26 chapter 2 . 9/2
Oh wow! Simply superb premise and writing. The way you wrote all the tension and suspense is soooooo good. I can't wait to see where this goes!
Thundqh chapter 1 . 8/2
And just like that, I am hooked. Holy crap. This chapter formatting, the wording, the set up, it’s phenomenal.

And it’s only the first chapter too.
starandsky1 chapter 1 . 6/22
I have to say that this is quite the good story. You seem to have thought of everything.
jl2790 chapter 2 . 5/6
This is super interesting premise and is so well written. I love the snippets of news headlines that interspace the first chapter. I’m really looking forward to seeing more from you. Thanks and be well!
Books1993 chapter 2 . 4/30
So intense! Cant wait for more!
Nina Vale chapter 2 . 4/27
This was interesting...poor kid. I mean this is even worse than Nighteye...I wonder if his mom didn't have something to do with how he perceives his quirk. I mean she was his primary source of reference and she was very insistent that his quirk can only work one way. He probably never thought to really do anything like he had done with his friend. He just told them something and they brushed him off or he couldn't do more because well you can't stop a car accident unless you have a powerful quirk. and again psychology can have a great impact on...well self-fulfilling prophecy. he believed he can't do anything and often there were too many factors. Like a car crash. he can only see the first person so it takes out actions of other people that he hadn't looked at. but with a thing like's up to just one person to make the decision whenever they go through it or not. So he can help. also, I loved Aoyagi being like 'nope. my fate is my own' in that very moment. I loved it. Plus he showed some understanding and talked to her...sometimes that is enough. To have someone understand what you're feeling.
Oh and your goolm. I have no way of seeing the future but I think Aizawa should go see several doctors...including a psychologist for depression and grief counseling. and possible PTSD and healthy coping mechanisms that aren't poor diet and expelling students and shutting off emotionally...
Nina Vale chapter 1 . 4/27
Hi! Welcome back :) well you certainly caught my attention with this one. The suspense is superb. We get an ominous call and well the natural response. I like how Lock Rock is the one to doubt all this. It is in his character to do so. Nighteye being all 'maybe it's meant to happen. future can never be changed' whelp. He hadn't met Izu yet so he doesn't know that predictions are there to be changed. again. very in character and he was a good confirmation source. He's a seasoned Pro, AM former sidekick...known for his quirk. Very smart thinking.
UA staff...very much in character. Mic being interested in all this, Hunddog showing off his dog prediction powers...I mean animals can tell when disasters like this will strike. Aizawa is rational to the fault. but cares very much about his students and wants them safe.
Cementoss is a kind guy, ofc he would prefer to look like a fool than his quirk being actually useful in the situation.
Media, oh media. I LOVED your reports from them. The disjointed words from the public and the shift as things happened. also they ARE a big thing in MHA world so I like it when authors use them...
PasiveNox chapter 2 . 4/27
Yeah great great
Middernacht chapter 2 . 4/27
dude update this man you have a wonderful story in the upbringing
Mr. Soze chapter 2 . 4/26
I re read the first chapyer since its been a while. For some reason i was under tge belief that this was going to be Deku with a death quirk. My bad lol.

But yeqh, re reading tge first chapter now has had even more of an impact then when i firat read it. With a pandemic going on and everything.

Anyways. I liked the 2nd chqpter. I love tge pace. I like the level of detail. The writing. Everything. Excellent work.
ImSoBored246 chapter 2 . 4/26
Yeah, I can see why you'd prefer not having a disaster on May 5 now... Great chapter as always though! You're doing great things here, keep it up!
Zeivira chapter 1 . 4/9
The moment I read your username, I knew this fic was going to be good. Was not disappointed, but definitely surprised. This is more than good, this is fantastic. The idea of shinigami eyes is just brilliant, it's both a MHA story and something completely different.

I honestly find no words to describe how great this is.

I'm not one to tell the authors "Please update soon!" because you guys have a life and no one is paying you to write. But oh myplease update soon, because this is pure. Amazing. Gold.

Thank you for uploading this. Even if it remains a One Shot, this beauty already won a place in my all time fav list.
Books1993 chapter 1 . 4/4
This was great! I hope there is more to come!
Guest chapter 1 . 4/1
Yoooo! This is sooo good! I can't wait for the next chapter! I wanna see where you take this
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