Reviews for A Military Limousine
James Birdsong chapter 9 . 5/19
Lovely story of course
FanGirl2330 chapter 9 . 5/16
Aww that was a really sweet story I liked it! Keep up the good work!
k3josai chapter 9 . 5/16
Nice story. It's like having a feel-good movie. No drama. Just a light story to make you smile.
clarkfan325 chapter 9 . 5/15
This was a very enjoyable story and I enjoyed reading it.
Carolyn chapter 7 . 4/24
Great story lone. Look forward to Lois's plan for prom and Clark being involved in it.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/11
Guest chapter 1 . 4/1
k3josai chapter 5 . 4/1
This is definitely one of the best Clois fics! Keep going. Can't wait for another chapter.
SixOneSix chapter 4 . 3/25
So ... how does lois get the tank?...
madcloisfan chapter 3 . 3/16
Loved it
AlexiaMAlenzo chapter 2 . 3/15
This was good. Just can't wait to read the next chapter.
madcloisfan chapter 2 . 3/10
Loved it
WinchesterGurl1967 chapter 1 . 2/29
Interesting start.

I've been looking for a new Clois fic, and stumbled across this. I'm guessing that this is set in season 2? I've always wondered what it would have been like if Clark and Lois had met earlier. I'm interested to see where this goes.

Update soon.
Alexia M Alenzo chapter 1 . 2/29
This is so good. I just can't wait to read more. Clois is my favorite pair in Smallville, but I enjoyed the mention of Lana. Of course Clark wouldn't forget her just like that.

Also, the characters are actually well written, so good job.

Kudos from Brasil. (And yes, Brasil it's with a S not a Z lol)

Alexia Máximo Alenzo
madcloisfan chapter 1 . 2/29
Loved it.