Reviews for Echoing Flames: The Darkest Hour
WolflexZ chapter 6 . 4/5
Loving those cliffhangers again aren’t ya :c
MapleRose150 chapter 6 . 4/5
An update! And another cliffhanger... great writing style as usual!
leopardstar412 chapter 6 . 4/4
...that hammer drop was harder then a A-10 killing me in call of duty MW
My faces: O_O
thee survivors chapter 6 . 4/4
Totem-Mimikyu chapter 6 . 4/4
OOOOOOOOOOF. Well, that's a rip.
Also, that's adorable how Morningflower requested that her son be named after Fireheart. (always thought she had a bit of a crush on him, but that's just my head anon)
FANactic Writer chapter 5 . 4/1
Things are heating up!

Love the chapters and thank you for them! Take care and stay safe!~
Kitty-Guardian Hootryd chapter 5 . 3/31
I sure hope that Bluestsrs worries about turning their backs on clan honor and the warrior code isn't foreshadowing or anything.
thee survivors chapter 5 . 3/31
Is this story gonna go into the new prophecy or will it it after this one ends?
Kitty-Guardian Hootryd chapter 4 . 3/25
Fang: Bloodclan is stronger than any of you forest brutes!
Sandstorm: Hold my prey
therealechoshade chapter 3 . 3/23
This is one of the GREATEST Storie Series' ive ever read,litreally every day i check if theres an update on it and i almost all of yours to see if theres any updates,yeah,imma just go re-read the entire series now.
Kitty-Guardian Hootryd chapter 3 . 3/19
Why do I have a feeling Firehearts suspicion of Leapardstar is going somewhere. Will she team up with Darkstripe this time? (Unlikely, he doesnt have the same charisma as Tigerstsr) or Scourge? Or maybe she'll be a regular jerk but not enough of a jerk to let rogues and Shadowclan csts kill her clanmates for no good reason.
Amberflame805 chapter 3 . 3/14
broooo 4 clans with Tigerstar alive vs Bloodclan? hell yes

this au has so much potential lmao like imagine if instead of greystripe saving fireheart from darkstripe it was tigerstar or the other way around... like anything could happen from here haha

orrr is leopardstar going to team up with Scourge? is Bluestar going to die in this au? narratively it still makes since especially adding that this bluestar truly found peace/love with fireheart but i would also be fine with fireheart being deputy forever lmao

does scourge still want the forest or just to kill tigerstar? cuz if he just wants tigerstar the clans should hand him over but if he wants the forest they should work with him to defeat bloodclan
FANactic Writer chapter 3 . 3/14
What is Bloodclan up to? Unless there another group attacking as well?

Love the chapter and thank you for it! Take care!~
Simitria chapter 2 . 3/7
Possible redemption for Graystripe? I’m down for it. But yeah, I can see why everyone is surprised someone would hurt him that badly. At the end of the day he’s just cheerful, friendly, funny Graystripe. A hard cat to hate, even with the bad decisions he’s made.

To be honest? My first thought when they found him was that Tigerstar was making his move into RiverClan already. I figured Graystripe had been attacked by Tigerstar or the ShadowClan warriors while Silverstream, Featherpaw and Stormpaw were being held captive.
FANactic Writer chapter 2 . 3/7
Yay this is up!~
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