Reviews for His Dhampir, Her Demon
Joanne Frances Tiano Cajilig chapter 84 . 7/24
Well case closed...(づ )づ
Layla347 chapter 84 . 7/24
Nicely done
Joanne Frances Tiano Cajilig chapter 83 . 7/22
This chapter was cool and the lemon was kinda steamy... (﹏)ง
Layla347 chapter 83 . 7/22
Nicely done
Joanne Frances Tiano Cajilig chapter 82 . 7/1
& that's how they met the pure blood. Sadly there are others who are power hungry or arrogant. You know who I mean... ((工))
Layla347 chapter 82 . 7/1
Nicely done
Joanne Frances Tiano Cajilig chapter 81 . 6/24
Foreshadowing. I wonder what's he hiding. It's good to hear from joker & what's left of the circus... (ω)
Layla347 chapter 81 . 6/24
Nicely done
Joanne Frances Tiano Cajilig chapter 80 . 6/18
Oh I'm so glad. This chapter was fascinating. But will Ciel go to that school to inspect the murder case of the false queen's nephew? We will need someone else trying to bring the twin brother back from the dead. Maybe a vampire who was a close friend to Cathrine's mother... :-
Layla347 chapter 80 . 6/18
Nicely done
Joanne Frances Tiano Cajilig chapter 79 . 6/16
Now we have a new lead. But the mystery is still in the air...}:)
Layla347 chapter 79 . 6/16
Nicely done
Joanne Frances Tiano Cajilig chapter 78 . 6/4
Well either sex wants a healthy sex life. I can't wait to find out who took the infants...
Layla347 chapter 78 . 6/4
Nicely done
Guest chapter 76 . 5/30
Cute chapter. Have you ever thought of writing something for Blue Exorcist or Soul Eater?
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