Reviews for Harry Potter and the Yellow Jinchuriki Rework
Bigomajinn chapter 8 . 7/24
Yes naruto would make friends with a dragon and maze plants
Draegoon chapter 10 . 4/27
great chapter, go Naruto be the hero you always are!
smilix chapter 8 . 4/16
Yes i would like that naruto is in the triwizard tournament
smilix chapter 7 . 4/16
GamerX568 chapter 9 . 3/26
The Slytherin Entrance isn't a painting, it's a stone wall.
adislt chapter 9 . 3/26
oh yeah one thing i want to know, which ron and hermione version you will use in this fic because bas far as i know in characterization there's quite difference between the book and movie version of both of them ?
Guest chapter 8 . 3/22
I would like for Naruto to participate in the tournament
Rock96543 chapter 7 . 3/21
trend breaker chapter 8 . 3/23
sigh another fake update
Guest chapter 7 . 3/20
I would say make him join 1st year as a beater or chaser and then sort of promote him to a seeker in the 2nd year.
Shadow9Kitsune chapter 8 . 3/22
For the tournament I say no because Voldemort would try to kill or steal Naruto's power if shown through the story and then he would be too powerful. Or just have Harry touch the goblet and Naruto doesn't like Cedric did.
RyanMK666 chapter 8 . 3/22
It would be interesting for him to be involved, someone else out there that wants him dead hence the memory loss, so sure I’ll vote yes in the TTT
SplitPersonaliti chapter 8 . 3/22
If Naruto is in the tournament it would be really interesting to see the strain on the relationship between him and Harry. the school would probably still be against harry and to be rooting for a Slytherin would be pretty bizarre for the students. It would be a good opportunity to prove how he is really friends with Harry. You could also have him be taken to the graveyard at the end and it would be really awesome to see how they escape Voldemort. Maybe Kurama would lend some chakra?
SplitPersonaliti chapter 7 . 3/22
I love this story so far, always excited to see more Naruto&HP crossovers. I'm casting my vote on option C, I feel like he wouldn't want to compete against Harry if they are going to remain friends and he can still support Draco even if he's not in the team.
Thjaro chapter 8 . 3/22
In my opinion it’s very much a cliche.
But, you can write a plot in that Naruto investigate how Harry enter in the tournament.
And that it’s caused because Malloy starts to act weird to their habitual act, you know like in the half blood prince. And then, he try to stop the resurrection of Voldemort.
So thats my opinion about, and a little suggest.
I’m waiting for the next chapter.
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