Reviews for Assassin Among Heroes
TheGuy chapter 2 . 10/1
Hope ye keep posting
Guest chapter 2 . 9/28
Please continue this!
CreedTheCheshire chapter 2 . 9/10
I really enjoy the concept so far good job
resendizjose903 chapter 2 . 8/19
Are you going to update the story ?
zack24 chapter 2 . 7/19
it's interesting
Guest chapter 2 . 7/18
I only just read this story and I already LOVE it! Plz don't abandon this story and update. As for a pairing... Depend on how close you're sticking to canon.

If it's strictly female: Either Momo or Toga: For Momo I think she'd be good as an opposites attract kinda thing. Coming from a famous Hero family. I don't want her to change Ritsu, maybe have Ritsu change her (again depends on how deep you wanna go into AU territory) but more like while they don't exactly like each other's methods, they do respect and/or understand them.

For Toga I think it would a Bonnie and Clyde kind of relationship. With her harsh treatment from her family for her Quirk along with her subsequent hatred for society and her Idealizing of Stain. I can see her being attracted to Ritsu. Maybe Ritsu can even make Toga less crazy with his love and support.

If you're open to having a male love interest: Izuku, Shoto, or Dabi: Izuku for the same reasons as Momo. Except Izuku seems more passionate about his ideals so having Ritsu coming along and making him question those ideals would be interesting. Even more so considering his history of being bullied for being Quirkless, All Might telling him he couldn't be a Hero without a Quirk during their first meeting and being scolded for trying to save Katsuki from the sludge Villian while the 'Heroes' were just sitting around with their thumbs up their asses waiting for backup because they 'didn't have the right Quirk' aka being One Trick Ponies unable to think outside the box. This could lead to either Izuku joining Ritsu or at least a mutual understanding and respect for each other.

For Shoto I think would be another case of either joining or mutual understanding and respect. His father Endeavor despite the Number 2 Hero is as much a monster as any Villian. His ambitions and greed destroying his childhood, his mother and siblings. Pushing Shoto through harsh training that's borderline abuse, Abusing his mother to the point of her having a mental break which resulted in her attacking and permanently scarring him before being confined to a hospital. It's also been vaguely hinted that Endeavor had something to do with his eldest brother's (Toya) death. All of this could make Shoto think: Is society as it is any good if people like his father are considered Heroes with no thought, care or regard for what're really like so long as they do their job? What's the difference between Heroes and Villians if people like his father are not punished for their actions? This could lead to Shoto seeing Ritsu as a ray of hope or breathe of fresh air. Maybe Ritsu could help Shoto heal from the pain of his past.

And finally for Dabi, same reasons for Toga. The only reason Dabi might be better than Toga is if you go with the highly popular fan theory(possible Canon in the future) that Dabi is in fact Toya: Endeavor's deceased first child and Shoto's eldest brother. If you go with that, it would lead to some deep moments of comfort and healing trauma. Especially if you go with another fan theory. It's Canon that Toya had a fire Quirk that was even stronger than Endeavors'. So some fans think that Endeavor pushed and abused him so much that it drove Toya to commit suicide via his Quirk, hence the scars Dabi has today.

Well that's it. Sorry that I wrote more for guys thanks girls. I couldn't think much for them. Compared to the guys, they have less of an in depth backstory/character. At least to me. Either way I'm excited to see you continue this story. It's really good and has really great potential! :)
Elilakatani chapter 2 . 6/29
Im not sure who u should put as the pairing but Im also kinda leaning towards someone like Momo as she comes from a family of hero's and would have alot of faith in heros. It would test the protagonists beliefs as they go against a heros. It would also make trouble for when the pair finds out (that is if they find out) as it goes against what they were raised to think. Just a suggestion, as ultimately whether or not the plot works this way or not is up to you .
Wendel Santana chapter 2 . 6/27
Continue, pls!
Regis JN chapter 2 . 6/24
These first two chapters have me really excited, and I can't wait for more. As for pairing, I don't really know. I don't know the BNHA characters well enough to guess who would go well with him. I honestly don't see him with any of the main cast with what I know of him so far. On that note how old is he compared to class 1A?
xbox432 chapter 2 . 6/11
I'd suggest Toga Himiko... She already has a form of Presence Concealment that she uses by holding her breath. She also has a disdain for society inherent in her due to how she was treated by her parents for her Quirk. And we know that she idolized Stain, another killer, what's to say that she wouldn't latch on to Ritsu instead? And well, he might actually be able to stabilize her a bit. Because despite feeling some empathy for her and understanding how she cracked, she IS pretty damn crazy in canon. But with a few tweaks such as Ritsu finding her earlier, she might just have a different role to play. Plus, I just really don't see any of the hero girls falling for him, what with their differing philosophy.

Also, woo, I am so glad to have found this story. It is pretty fun so far, and I'm looking forward to seeing where you take it. And I just have to say how stoked I am to see "Information Erasure" being included as a skill. So far, Jack is the only Servant I have seen with such a skill, and it is usually glossed over. But it is SOOO useful. Especially in an era with so much video surveillance from authorities and the average civilian. If he can work it up to Jack's level, then that will go a long way towards ensuring his evasion.
xbox432 chapter 1 . 6/11
Quite the fun read. I'm glad that the MC not only addresses the issue of heroes not killing, but also seems to understand the underlying reasons as to why it wouldn't be possible in society. Or at least not looked upon favorably.

I'll be interested in seeing how you can build this story considering the polarizing nature of the MC compared to the vast majority of the MHA world...
Anon chapter 2 . 6/2
imortal333 chapter 2 . 5/22
I’d love to see more of this! There needs to be more good fanfiction with gramps, the best assassin, (next to Jackie, of course!). As for pairings, sure, go for it. Just make sure it’s further down the line, some good assassinations come first.
Gyhfyuyg chapter 2 . 5/22
Gramps is badass, this is a fact
Guest chapter 2 . 5/12
Couldn't you update this story faster? It took you 2 months to write two chapters that feels like they could've been 1 huge introduction chapter. Don't get me wrong i love the story the concept is original and he doesn't seem like a generic Gary stu but waiting long for a chapter of a story that just started doesn't seem worth it.
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