Reviews for Choosing Fate
Shit I am unknown chapter 10 . 52m
My question is when are they doing it?
kjt1124 chapter 10 . 2h
Thank you for the wonderful update!
Guest chapter 10 . 3h
really interesting chapter!
whenthesheepsaysbaa chapter 10 . 4h
Happy that they are getting closer. Looking forward to the next one.
Anissa chapter 10 . 6h
This is getting really good! I’m invested. Can’t wait for the next update.
zelico chapter 10 . 7h
You just HAD to have a black cat cross their path, huh?! :P haha I definitely didn’t expect all the chaos! Great chapter, loving this story!
Mayonaka Hikari chapter 9 . 10/6
Ah, finally some kissing! Thanks so much for this story. It is well written and I am really enjoying it! I hope it’s as much fun for you to write as it is for me to read!
Shit I am unknown chapter 9 . 10/5
Next juicy scene please
kjt1124 chapter 9 . 10/4
I love how their relationship dynamic is developing. Thank you for the wonderful update!
Guest chapter 9 . 10/4
i need more of this fic or ill die. Great story, i love the simplicity of the plot and the development of the characters. Keep with the great job
LIMH chapter 8 . 9/18
Can't wait to see what happens during that month alone! I really love how Sakura has her interests and passions and that Sasuke supports her in his own sulky way. Hoping you update soon or at least when you get the time!
iammai1097 chapter 8 . 8/27
I superr love amazing!Sakura in this chap looking forward to pervsuke hehehhe
EmmaAnna chapter 8 . 8/26
update soon please
PugEyed chapter 8 . 8/24
I literally love this fic. thank you so much for the update!
Lady Rini chapter 8 . 8/24
A whole month alone...Hmm what could happen lol
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