Reviews for The Demigods Agreed
snowsTorm18000 chapter 14 . 8/1
Okay, now i really can't wait to see what happens nxt.
Update soon plz.
WOLFIECHEESE chapter 14 . 8/1
Guest chapter 8 . 7/20
IloveCats1 chapter 14 . 7/6
Please please please update! It's so fun to read!
chen chapter 6 . 6/11
i am so sorry you are going through that.
Tiny4866 chapter 14 . 6/11
Thanks you thanks you thank you for updating I love this story and have been rereading it whilst waiting for the update. You have such a nice writing style and this is definitely one of the best demigod at hogwarts fics I have read.
P34n6t chapter 14 . 6/11
Great chapter! Keep up the good work! :D
smasher5 chapter 14 . 6/11
no code plez
Percabeth101 chapter 13 . 6/8
update now i mean you update natashas secret every saturday why not do the same with demigods agreed
Guest chapter 13 . 6/5
This is great! are you going to continue it or have you decided not to?
Matt chapter 13 . 5/26
Please update this soon.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/24
PLEASE UPDATE!Stay safe Xx Thanks Percabeth101
anonymous chapter 13 . 5/22
About lgbtq, no offense meat to anyone, but I feel like th Catholic standpoint on that is misunderstood. I realize that it doesn't really pertain to the story (Which I really like, by the way; even though I'm religious doesn't mean I can't have a sense of humour. We aren't all in monastaries starving ourselves. Some of us are normal teenagers.) but th Catholic standpoint is not "They are to be hated because of their attraction." I will admit that some individuals think that way; but so do a lot of nonreligious people. Our standpoint as a whole is that, while we cannot approve of a marriage (God created man and woman to complement the other, and to procreate. A gay marriage cannot procreate or be fruitful so we cannot support it. Genetically modifying people, and those other alternatives are just wrong. Taking someone's DNA and combining it artificially? That's just wrong and a little creepy.) we do not condemn you for your attractions. We acknowledge that God created you as with everyone else, and as such you are loved by God and to be loved like anyone else. As for your place in the Church, there are a lot of options. You can become a priest or monk or nun, effectively marrying God as I think of it, you can be a normal person and just refrain from getting in a relationship, but I can assure you of one thing: You will always have a place with God. If one church doesn't welcome you, of the priest is the problem then notify you bishop. If it's the parishioners, tell the priest, if you have to, find another church. But don't give up on God because of the prejudice of a few people. If you're in the U.S. got to NCYC or something. But always remember that no matter who you are, what you have done, or how people think of you, God still loves you.

Dang, I sound cheesy.
*Channels inner Valdez*
I took canoeing lessons. I got paddled because of my punderfully punny jokes. Those teachers had no sense of pun and games.

My astronomy teacher was stellar.

*Dodges rocks*
"Alright, I'll stop! (please don't kill me; you need to have pun sometimes)"
raylee chapter 13 . 5/21
if you dont update soon i will cry. thats all i have to say
Guest chapter 13 . 5/19
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