Reviews for The Closer
Skyla71 chapter 22 . 10/15
What a wonderful story! Loved it through and through.
Skyla71 chapter 17 . 10/14
Yes! A bit of jealousy is healthy in my opinion. If there's communication there shouldn't be any problem. Loved how you turned the tension into a heck of a night.
And finally, she got a shirt yay!
Skyla71 chapter 16 . 10/13
Uhoh another threat to their relationship? Are we gonna see jealous Harvey? *evil smirk* lol It's my weakness.
I loved Donna's reaction to Harvey's performance, it cracked me I'm so glad for him to be back on that mound.
Great chapter!
RVKFan of Fanfiction chapter 1 . 10/13
Enjoyed this fic! Great plot and an amazing epilogue:)
Skyla71 chapter 15 . 10/12
What a breakthrough! Loved their discussion over the phone, I guess that wasn't easy..
Harvey is recovering fine for now, I hope it stays that way.
Amazing chapter!
Skyla71 chapter 14 . 10/12
Ouch, another bump in the road. But I love how you write it, it's very authentic.
Skyla71 chapter 13 . 10/12
Amazing, really emotional and beautiful.
Skyla71 chapter 12 . 10/12
Phew, ok so it's not too bad he just needs to be careful. I hope everything goes smoothly for Donna's representation.
Those paparazzi make me angry.
Skyla71 chapter 11 . 10/12
Yes! Secret is out, and Harvey's on his way to redemption x) I hope his injury's not severe. Donna's too good for him...
Skyla71 chapter 10 . 10/11
Oh my, Louis I love him! And the metaphor avoir the rose is brilliant.
His shoulder and now panic attack.. poor Harvey but it's that hard to say his shoulder hurts smh..
Skyla71 chapter 9 . 10/11
Intense! How Harvey reacted at the bar cracked me up x) And you really did good on their night together.
Good news about Lily!
Skyla71 chapter 8 . 10/11
Great chapter! Really emotional and heartwarming. Great idea for letting Donna come at the hospital.
Skyla71 chapter 6 . 10/11
I'm pretty sure Donna has nothing to fear with Harvey, it's evident he's all in. Except maybe a few past scars that he's not yet willing to talk about and that's an issue.
You're killing it wit this AU! It's really good.
Skyla71 chapter 4 . 10/10
Oh.. Donna.. everything was going so well. Why would you leave like that; it's a bit rash. Of course she's good enough for him! Someone must have messed her up bad in the passed..
Skyla71 chapter 3 . 10/9
Dang, she already met the father x) and they kissed! My, they re not wasting any time.
Loved it!
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