Reviews for Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Teaching Curve
Legionstone chapter 2 . 7/18
its a little on the bland side, I think this duel is not as good as the first one as I feel like it's trying to make sense than make it entertaining, people like the anime duels for a reason more than actual players.
Ben chapter 2 . 7/18
This story sucks.
Darkknight55 chapter 1 . 7/18
"No YGO series is in need of reworking than GX."
ARC V says hello.
(Just kidding, I love both of these series, although I acknowledge they are flawed)
Zero Slash One chapter 1 . 2/9
Whenever anyone in modern fandom say "show had bad writing and plot holes", I've learned from experience that they're wrong a lot of the time. I can't recall any contradictions off the top of my head within GX itself, beyond the franchise-general "Duel Monsters and the sequels don't agree what Duel Spirits are".

Case in point, as the previous review says, Alexis and Chazz got in through the Academy's middle school division, and are first years like them. It's not a plot hole that they didn't take it.

It also sours me greatly on this story that it comes from a place of thinking that making arbitrary changes (8000 LP... also, Duel Gazers?) is a good way to fix issues.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/9
They were 1st year students to start with. Why do you think they were always in the same year as Bastion, Jaden, & Syrus? Why do you think they all graduated at the same time? They didn't need to take the exam because they attended the associated junior high.

I have been a fan of GX for a very long time. & in that time I have seen many people claim they're going to "fix the plotholes". So far I have yet to see them address a single real plothole. It's always "I wanted this couple to get together!" or "Jaden should be a Blue!" or "let's give these characters this deck I like better, even though it doesn't match their personality the way a deck should" or anything else that isn't a real plothole. Don't get me wrong. There are points that could be better written (& 5ds isn't that solid, really, not with a quarter of episodes post Dark Signer arc being either useless filler or raising plot points that are never addressed again, plus character derailment thy name is *Carly*! Ahem.) but I honestly cannot expect much. Especially since most "plotholes" stem from the dub version changing dialogue.

Feel free to surprise me, though.
Legionstone chapter 1 . 2/9
I have some mixed feelings after reading this tbh. I'll start with the good stuff first and then talk about my gripes. I LOVE ROBERT, his character is terrific, and his concept is fantastic. A teacher OC stand-in is pretty much non-existent on this site, so I give you total props for writing one.

Also, I like the duel! It was cool that you implemented new cards. Hopefully, Kaijus will be Robert/Gerard's primary archetype, or perhaps he's going to be constantly changing it? That would be interesting as long as the decks are differing, or maybe he's using a decoy deck, and he's hiding his main deck? I'm intrigued!

The thing that I would encourage you to work on is to reduce the amount of filler in the text. You don't have to write out every specific detail. Keep it concise and minimize the amount of text that rephrases what was previously said.

And yet when it comes summoning out monsters, it's underwhelming. Gameciel, competitive use aside should garner a big reaction and a wall-of-text since its a giant monster.

"Large blue turtle monster appeared on the field" Or "Rising from a materialized ocean with a strike of its shadowing wings came an imposing mountain of cerulean scales, fangs, and claws, protected by a shell of volcanic obsidian." Since this is Yugioh, we know what Gameciel is, but with a more detailed description, we can excite the readers!

So I encourage you to find that balance between adding detail and forgoing it. I guarantee it'll make your writing even more enjoyable to read!

I felt like I understood the story more in the author's note than the actual story. The author's note shouldn't do that. The purpose of an author note is to quickly inform the reader something that won't be in the chapter.

I don't need to know that you think GX needs a fix fic. You can do that by writing it out in the story. What I do need to know is whether or not Synchros or Xyz monsters will be a thing in this fic. Do you know what I'm saying?

And the sweatdrop. Anime Terminology in writing is my biggest pet peeve, so you can ignore this part, but I hate it when people use it because they should write it out. It's like when people do "X does a cat-face" or "X anime-faulted." It can limit your writing.

I've been noticing a lot of rehashes of the first episode for these fics. While you did yours thankfully different, I'm worried that it'll be another run-of-the-mill 'OC joins the cast, but the chapters are the episodes but slightly changed.' I have seen the crowler vs. Jaden duel in a fic so many times in I can rehearse line-by-line as if it was gospel. Hopefully, I won't have to repeat the fight between Jaden and Chazz in the next chapter.

While they're some issues, I still enjoyed reading this, and I'm excited about the next chapter!