Reviews for The Song of Ji Hoo
Guest chapter 5 . 6/30
I like the way F4 ended happily with thier lovelife. Im hoping more stoues for souel couple and In hoping thst the 2nd generation of F4 In Ha is the only girl that tbe f4 adore andbeing a protective f4 teach In Ha a self defense to able to protect herself, because eventhough as a toddker many young kids adore her. Hooing also that gaeul ois more powerful woman in the F4 because of her true character.
Guest chapter 8 . 6/25
i miss in ha
Guest chapter 2 . 5/31
Dios... me he matado de risa del final del capitulo, ha sido genial
Davian chapter 8 . 3/20
Thanks for the update
Authornim can you do one more chapter about In Ha and their baby.
golnazbahadori497 chapter 8 . 3/20
First of all congratulations on finally finishing the story and the fake engagements with baby universe.
I first noticed your stories with the fake engagment fic and have been a fan ever since and follow each of your new fics .
Thank you for giving the f4 their happily ever after.
And looking forward to more fanfics from you.
If i may i'd like to request a one shot !it would Wrap everything up together ! Like maybe a year or so later we could see the f4 and their ladies and babies like we could see what will happen to each couple and where they are in their lives? I just lovd your fic (this one from the engagment to baby ...) i just think its unfinished yet .
But anyway i leave it up to you and yr creatve mind.
Jessfairy88 chapter 8 . 3/19
I wish I could read how Woo-Bon and Jin-Pyo would react
Crystal Cakes 29 chapter 8 . 3/18
Beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. Thank you for finishing the story and giving it such a wonderful ending. I can't wait to see your next Playful Kiss story. I went through and read your other stories - all equally witty, well written and just plain captivating. I look forward to whatever you end up doing next.
angee818323 chapter 8 . 3/18
great ending and love how In Ha calling Lucy Aunt Au instead of Lucy and it cute
Ga Eul know Lucy pregnant because she was pregnant before and know all the symptoms of pregnant women
Thankful Jan Di confirmed it and everyone help and Ga Eul and Jan Di right that the F4 are going to be more protective of Lucy now
Yi Jeong is still funny and know how to get his daughter to tell him everything and love how Yi Jeong tell Ga Eul that he love all her tea and they so sweet together
Lucy told Ji Hoo she was pregnant and he was happy for her and good thing that they have Jun Pyo to speed up her paper work to have her come back to Korea since she is in San Francisco
I love how Lucy not letting her brother or parents use Ji Hoo money like water and it was funny to see her throw her chopstick at her brother
Woo Bin is going to banana after learning that Ji Hoo and Lucy move up their wedding
Lucy is better off without her real parents because they really don't care for her at all and they only care for themselves unlike her adoptive parents
Ji Hoo and Lucy is going to make great parents and love how Ji Hoo loving to his family
Maria Rosa cisi chapter 8 . 3/18
Hermosa historia hermoso final feliz. Me encanta la familia So y tambien me encanta que escrivas otras historias sobre yi jong e ga eul juntos siempre
angee818323 chapter 7 . 3/11
finally both Lucy and Ji Hoo admit their true feeling for each other even though that it took Ji Hoo longer to admitted
Jan Di finally told Lucy that she was the girl that cause Ji Hoo pains but I think that Ji Hoo pains actually come from being left alone
Gang Bon Hwa is actually asking for trouble with him trying to attack Lucy and Soo Jun is so in love with Gang Bon Hwa that she can't see that he actually hurting her and trying to attack Lucy
I'm happy that Lucy is staying in Korea and that Ji Hoo would fly in her parents to korea
Can't wait for next chapter
Crystal Cakes 29 chapter 7 . 3/11
Wow! What an amazing story and this chapter was so satisfying! I would love to know what the conversation with the brothers was what happens next with them. I'm very much looking forward to the next chapter - the epilogue!
Maria Rosa cisi chapter 7 . 3/11
Me encanta este capitulo es hermoso tierno lindo divertido. Pregunta sigiras escribiendo historias de yi jong e ga eul juntos siempre? Amo esta pareja y tus historias me emozionan mucho te espero con otras historias sobre yi jong e ga eul juntos siempre i tambien todos los f4 porque ellos si son mejores che las flores
Maria Rosa cisi chapter 6 . 3/5
Esperemos que de verdad ella no lo lastime a el Ji hoo ya sufrio demasiado en amor perĂ² si ella esta disputa a ser todo lo posible para estar con el entonses si es aseptada. Me gustaria mucho que Ga eul descubra que esta embarazada pata Ver la reazion de la hija de ellos y tambien la de los chicos . Una vez terminada esta historia escribiras otras de yi jong e ga eul juntos siempre? Grazias por escribir sobre ellos
Cari-Bum chapter 6 . 3/5
Oh I really really love this chapter so thank you so much for the effort.

I love all the scene in the airport...but I have a question...What happened on that private moment between Jun Pyo and In Ha?

Also I love how the F3 are worried for JH and only want him to be happy, so I am sure they will do anything for him.

And the scene between Woo Bin and his girl...ohh I really love it! I wish we could see more about them being together again after a long time, but I appreciate that Woo Bin supports her and her wish of have a job.

Of course I want to see a girl's night, I think it could be funny

I am curious about how Lucy will found out about JH's past, and what she would think about it, but she is right, she chose him.

Again, I am curious about what JH told her brothers

And I am sure that guy (Her cousin's boyfriend) will cause some trouble.

Great chapter
angee818323 chapter 6 . 3/5
great chapter and Lucy finally get to meet Yi Jeong Ga Eul, In Ha and Myeon Gi
In Ha really like Lucy
Woo Bin happy to have Myeon Gil back
Lee Soo Jung is so in love over her head that she doesn't realized that she being played and this Gang Bon Hwa wanted Lucy as well and I think that the only reason that he dating Soo Jung is be close to Lucy
I love how Lucy and her brother bicker with each other
Ji Hoo is in love with Lucy and there no way that he need her leave him
Can't wait for next chapter
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