Reviews for Cracks in the Mask
Dobby and Padfoot chapter 56 . 20h
I could tell that T was drugged. I think there were enough clues to tell. Amazing chapter! I loved Harry and T’s lock picking training, and it is amusing how far T will go to avoid his lessons. T was so amazingly gentle with Harry, which was probably in part from the drugs, but maybe he was also remembering what Harry said last time about encouragement helping. Thanks for the update! :)
Guest chapter 57 . 7/22
Ugghhhhhhhh math sucks. I wish I had people who knew how to help me with it. They’re so sweet to each other.
Fandom Constellation chapter 29 . 7/22
I feel like Gil and Deez hve tots make me a cheerleader. While I"m reading I just was constantly rooting for them. For him to be able to overcome his fear and for her to be able to figure out the best way to help him. She obvi understands him well enough to know to back off some, but I just want to pop him in the back of the head for being so stubborn about 'being weak' in front of her. But then also hug the shit out of him.
Seriously, Deez and Gil are the cutest. And so oblivious to it. But it's so sweet to see them struggling and working so hard to help their friend. It's the sweetest build. I like died squeee so hard when Deez called Gil home!
I love how hard Harry is trying to get T to understand how skewed his thoughts on himself are. Hopefully one day he'll be able to look back and understand how loved he is and how worth it he is.
Fandom Constellation chapter 28 . 7/22
I love T and James. Like James seems like a live and let live kind of guy who usually seems to regret his choices with T. Smh. You'd think he'd learn. Lol.
T trying to hide his 'escape' was scary but also hilarious. Does he seriously have that high of a pain tolerance or is that just the ointment? Because seriously like, ouch and gross.
I loved that little part with Gil wrangling Deez and Harry. When the big teddy bear is over your shit! Omg it still makes me laugh. And T did suck a good job with that letter! And Harry and Gil excited to see their names was tots adorbs! Harry's pestering until T took his attention was so squee. Poor Deez didn't even catch she was just a stepping stone. Gil is so supportive of her writing! Love it so much! I forgot this was how Gil got wrapped up in the hold organization. Poor guy.
I feel so bad for T's situation and the family struggling to figure out how to help him. I forgot how bad it got.
Fandom Constellation chapter 27 . 7/20
Poor Deez. Writer's block is real. Loved Uma telling T is was okay if he needed personal space. She could tots tell he was overwhelmed.
Love! I love their first time together with the pool. I just imagine it being this amazing natural looking pool with rocks and sand and that like illusion edge. It would look perfect if they weren't stuck behind the barrier. I love how supportive the sea family is, and that they dont rush Deez. Also glad the cold never bothered Uma anyway (couldn't resist, lit watching Frozen.) And sat with Deez even after being in the perfect and warm pool. And then encouraged her to just sit with Gil. I do love the slow ways Deez is starting to talk about her problems with the family. She's come a long way since her running days.
I love that T wrote a whole letter for Deez. And then of course he gets distracted and wants to go do shit. At least Uma seemed prepared for it. I love the work room they have for him, and how much it means to him that they did this.
Also love how T and Faustina switch at the end. Very sweet of them.
Fandom Constellation chapter 26 . 7/18
So squee!
Harry is adorbs! I love how he does practically drools over the pool and later almost decrees that they'll be coming back to swim that night. And the whole family is Squeeeee with that reunion. Deez running to hug him, Gil kissing him, Harry asking Deez for a kiss. Squee!
Also Harry is just the cutest at delivering news!
I love them finally getting to T and T's awkward ads trying to be all omg tots you guys look at you let's so not talk about me! But my fav is tots Deez crawling into the hammock with him. Adorbs!
Dobby and Padfoot chapter 55 . 7/16
I can’t recall whether or not you ever teased about it in an authors note, but I do know that I read it In your We Wear the Mask files. Or archives? Can’t remember it’s name. I loved loved loved Deez and Faustinas first meeting. It was so amazing and I loved the way their personalities go together. I loved to get to hear more of Faustinas story. Hearing how she picked the people she followed was awesome, and if Deez writes those stories down, I think that Ben would love to read them. It just gives a different perspective to the VKs. Thanks for the update! :)
Dobby and Padfoot chapter 54 . 7/16
Absolutely adore this chapter! Deez hiding out in the hold was awesome and even though it is painful to read, I love her introspection on how her training with T is hurting their relationship. I’m sure that T will be very happy to take her out on the Isle. Like he could ever say no to her if she asked him something. The notebook is an amazing idea though. She’s quite the journalist. Maybe Ben can publish these little articles. Since they’ll have pictures and all. Gil is so brave. And I love how Uma and Harry found it so amusing that he had “grabbed the valuables”. Is T still in the room with them, and that’s why Deez didn’t hear the door? That would be interesting. Maybe his conversations with Harry are helping some. Thanks for the update! :)

I miss seeing and hearing what everyone has to say in the hangouts. They make me so excited each week. Can’t wait until I can get back on. :)
QuintBrit chapter 55 . 7/16
Yay! Deez & Faustina met! I knew they’d like each other.
DS Rider chapter 54 . 7/14
I have this picture in my head of Ben just glomming onto Deez when in private right after Evie and Mal get a chance to
Fandom Constellation chapter 25 . 7/14
Gil is just a super artisan and I love it! I also love the way he jumps to action anytime his Deez is in trouble. Poor Deez just wanted to control her learning to swim and then boom... Control is an illusion!
Her and Gil are so squeeeeee! I love how he takes the time to understand her and praise her. How he points out the things she's not good at seeing. Very squee relationship, and oh how I ship it!
I'm with Dark on this, Twisted you did an amazing job with Gil. Like soooooo amazing!
And the second part, where we get to see Deez reflecting on what happened, was tots adorbs because she's tots in love with him and doesnt understand what it is that makes him so special. I love that she considers him her best friend! And I love how she analysis her situation and then tries to see it from his point of view.
And that whole looking at her fear of water as a way she might be hurting them was heartbreaking, but also kind of a good way to see it.
Great chapter!
Fandom Constellation chapter 24 . 7/14
I really loved how vulnerable Uma got in order to show T none of them are perfect. And while no, I wasnt expecting T to join the family so fast I was happy about it.
T just survived a very traumatic experience, so no, he's not himself right now. I think you guys did amazing with his coping and growth now that I'm reading it again btw. So good even on another pass through.
Fandom Constellation chapter 53 . 7/12
This was amazing!
I love your take on how Auradon set up the special treat. Like un the movie I always imagined that soldiers went to Maleficent's place and set it up but this makes all thr problems she was having make more sense AND you let the characters struggle with it. What a nod to the movie while making it your own!
Seriously this was tots everything! I loved seeing the core 4 confused as hell and you guys were so right to do it from Harry's POV. Like T's POV would have been embarrassed and worried about them sure, but he would have so dicked around with Mal more. It was fun to see that happening, but have more to focus on with Harry's thoughts.
I am in love with the way Harry and Jay finally admired they were bros. Like red eyes I'm not crying ur crying happy! Harry was like a puppy seeing his best friends again and it was just the greatest. I love, seriously though like I love everything and squee-ed so hard over this! I've probably read it like a hundred times now, and I've gone back to read the last chapter of book 2 because I just wanted to really remember what was going on for the core 4. Like they're going through some shit right before this, so seeing Harry and T, hearing that Deez is okay. Dizzy. Carlos knowing that Gil and Deez miss him, but have continued book club. All the warm fuzzies! What a great way to remind us that even though they're not together, they all miss people.
I love that Ben and David got to be a part of the reunion. Ben must be in a kind of heaven from all that he got to witness! He holds a lot of similar ideas as Deez because of her writing, and I wouldn't be surprised if he also thought Jay and Harry would be friends if it wasn't for the rival thing. So getting to see that truly emotional bro moment. I'm tots fangirling with his fanboying! And then getting to actually see pictures of the people he's only read about, or seen in Mal's sketchbook was so amazing. And I can't wait to see what Deez thinks of her letters being collected by a Prince, and being such a big part of his plans to bring the VKs over. Also, Dragontamer is the best nickname!
And again, with the pictures, seeing Senior react to T bringing him compromising pictures of Maleficent was hilarious. I'm with Harry, wtf... But also I think we're starting to see like, maybe a genuine friendship with T and Senior? Strange as it is. I mean, I hate what he's done and still does to Deez, but this new leaf he's exploring has me wondering what he's doing more and more. It just seems like maybe he's tried everything, and T's the first person who acknowledges he's a God and can kill him, but also realizes there's nothing he can do about it so he just does him. He get's that banter like he gets from Maleficent, but with someone tots less full of themselves.
Food for thought.
I'm so glad Jay and Harry are good with none verbal communication. And that Jay finally told Harry about the hold thing.
And then David! Omg I love your David! I need him yo help the sea family like so much! Like they all have friends waiting for them, seriously stupid fucking council stop being assholes and just set the VKs free!
*cough* Sorry...
I'm so glad T was willing to listen! And I really hope they do follow his advice!
I love how this really helps but the passing of time into perspective. Like we know what both gangs are facing and how they're dealing with it... And Omg, Deez and Mal! Mal fell for Ben in about the same amount of time it took Deez to be okay getting into water and walking on the docks. It's adorbs!
Seriously I could tots be annoying and go on and in and on about how much I love love love this chapter. But now that I'm caught up (bittersweet moment) I believe I flew through a couple of chapters without reviewing them. It won't be the same, but I'm figuring out which ones I missed and praising them!
You two are tots beautiful btw! I can't get the videos to play very well, but I do check on Facebook. I should probably actually make an account of my own.
Dobby and Padfoot chapter 53 . 7/10
Yes! I loved this chapter! Getting to see the Core 4 again was amazing, and it was great to see David give some advice on T’s issues with holds. I’m glad that Harry knows about that now. I loved this chapter being in Harry’s perspective. I don’t think it would’ve had the same effect if it was T or even Senior because Harry had a lot to think about. I’m missing tonight’s live again :( and I will probably miss next weeks, but I’ll be home next Saturday so I should be able to catch the one the following week! I jumped off a 25 ft cliff into Phelps lake. It was awesome! I felt like T when he jumped off that cliff. The water was freezing and I definitely panicked for a minute when I hit the water because all my air went out. Thanks for the update! :)
Dobby and Padfoot chapter 52 . 7/10
I think the package has something to do with the video call on family day at the end of book 2. I’m excited to find out what it really is though! This chapter was awesome! I loved seeing T’s introspection on everything that is going on, and it seems like Harry is doing pretty well on patience right now. It definitely is going to be a struggle for him though. Thanks for the update! :)
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