Reviews for It's no wonder no one can stand her, she's a nightmare honestly!
CherCee chapter 9 . 5/19
cant wait for next chapterrrr, I wonder how they gonna surviveee
Fast Frank chapter 9 . 5/18
Lav ender spying on Hermione is an interesting complication.
Ig090700 chapter 9 . 5/17
There is something wrong with the chapter it’s coding
Mars2354 chapter 8 . 4/7
Please, please, pleaaase update soon (of course if you're busy you can take all the time you need, I'm simply expressing my enthusiasm for your story)
Fast Frank chapter 8 . 4/6
You pinged on one of my pet peeves: the use of third person plural as third person singular, gender not specified. "...who is he?" would be asked, since "Nicholas" is obviously male. Not to mention that usage would not have been taught in the 1980's. (Vernon would have called it unnatural.)
Fast Frank chapter 7 . 3/22
Very sensible, Draco.
Saxiel chapter 7 . 3/21
Interesting. I suggest to get the chapters longer though. Add your own spin to the story, elaborate on it, shit like that.
Fast Frank chapter 5 . 3/8
Writing isn't easy, but it's better to put these details in story, than to rely on author's notes.
Fast Frank chapter 3 . 3/8
Well Quirinus, hosting The Dark Lord turned out to be more hazardous than you thought.
Guest chapter 3 . 3/8
ShastaLovelace chapter 3 . 2/19
This is so funny I hope you come back to it!
Fast Frank chapter 3 . 2/15
Hmm, a bit of Draco's Black ancestry showing? :)
Fast Frank chapter 2 . 2/15
Since "shell-shocked" has a specific technical meaning, simply "shocked" would be better.
Fast Frank chapter 1 . 2/15
Nice start.
Vadimmom chapter 3 . 2/15
Love it! Go Draco.
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