Reviews for A Mirror Between
Guest chapter 18 . 7/3
Found this yesterday and read it. Nice way to spend a rainy day. Thanks.
Guest chapter 19 . 5/28
Another MGiT story that's just ridiculous. Welp, there goes my hope that at least one of them isn't embarrassing trash.
OldDDGuy chapter 19 . 5/28
Yet another great chapter and a new surprise. I can't wait for next week!
OldDDGuy chapter 18 . 5/21
Another great chapter and another great twist. Completely unexpected. I find it interesting that you dropped some characters from the story. Looking forward to the next chapter.
Guest chapter 17 . 5/14
Another great chapter. Looking forward to the next one. This would make a great novel. I will keep saying that over and over ;)
OldDDGuy chapter 17 . 5/14
Don't think my other review went through.

Another great chapter, great fun, and looking forward to the next one. I am a little confused, I hope you explain how she got into the Fade.
Eiris chapter 17 . 5/14
Solas gonna be a barnacle now...
OldDDGuy chapter 16 . 5/7
Wow, I did not expect that. Cliff hanger. Sort of feel sorry for them, although let's face it. Magic or no magic, I don't think they would last very long here. As awful as the flora and fauna of Thedas are, this world has some really nasty surprises itself and would be far harder to navigate than the reverse. After all, it is easier for civilized people to act like savages than the converse. So looking forward to the next chapter.

I do miss Sara ;)
Eiris chapter 16 . 5/7
... cliffhanger!
OldDDGuy chapter 15 . 4/30
Another great chapter. I still get confused about who is speaking, I don't know if this is a new style I am not aware of. If so, please forgive this old geezer. I look forward to the next chapter. It is great fun. Sorry to see Alistair fall, in my games he always married Anora so it was Stroud who bought it. But I get why some people went the other way. Again, looking forward to the next chapter.
OldDDGuy chapter 14 . 4/23
Your killing me! I check twice a day to see the next chapter. I can't wait for the next one.
OldDDGuy chapter 1 . 4/17
I like what you have done here, I was rereading it out loud to someone and noticed a couple of points. It is difficult to tell who is speaking from time to time. There is a reason that we add dialogue cues to written stories and scripts, otherwise, the reader will get lost. Also, you do well with this later on, but you can add color and information by saying like, "she hissed" or stuff like that.
OldDDGuy chapter 13 . 4/16
I think it is interesting what you have done here. I miss Sera and Dorean because, well because they are who they are, but it is interesting how much of a b**ch your Viv is. I am sooooo looking forward to the next chapter.
MeanE chapter 6 . 2/28
I love your inquisitor. She seems like the best one I've seen in a while because she's not broody and is snarky instead. Plus how easily she gets comfortable with people is great and melds with her snarkiness.
The big problem this chapter is you are rushing the scenes... a lot. The beginning was fine, but the middle confused me and I had to re-read because I couldn't keep up with the amount of characters being brought up. Giving a little introduction to the side characters like Barris or something would slow it down and maybe help the people who don't memorize side character names.
Beyond that, while certain scenes are going on you can give your character "thought bubbles" (italics for thinking) which can help show how she interprets what's going on. You can also give more attention to small details (I.e. Solas might furrow his brow when the inquisitor saves the Templars and your character notices out the corner of her eye). Lengthening the action scenes with your character who's hiding listening to the battle and how she might physically react (shorter breaths, calmness, shaking, etc) helps us get into her head and relate more whilst drawing the scene out.
Can't wait to see the next chapter :D
(ps I saw you added in the page breaks last chapter, so thank you)
MeanE chapter 4 . 2/15
The story is pretty cool so far. It was interesting to see her divulge everything immediately when other stories tend to keep it a bit more hush-hush (hoping for some plot point that would affect her later on for not keeping it secret (but it's your story do what you want)). Otherwise, the only problem I see is the whiplash I get from out of the blue scene transitions. It would be appreciated to have some more lead up to it via walking to the destination or even a "page break" (it's a option you have when posting the story; it's a long line, or you can put some squiggles or X's. Your choice). Keep up the good work! :)