Reviews for Tenhawks Alexander Harris and the Shadow Council
Non-eye-mouse chapter 119 . 7/19
Thank you for re-posting this! I remember having a PDF download of this a couple of years back that had around 130 chapters. (It was a 'left turn at Albuquerque' type find.) I would suggest you cross-post this over on Archive's site for additional protection.
Nick Kane chapter 119 . 7/20
Thank you for finding these lost chapters, I've just reread the hole thing and I'm very happy with the extra here.

Now onto the next one!
Quietlovingman chapter 18 . 7/15
I love that Wednesday broke Lockheart's arm before he could vanish the bones in Harry's.
582Raven chapter 119 . 6/29
Just binge read the available chapters, including an all nighter. Fantastic story, thank you so much for finding and sharing it!
I'll keep it followed in case more chapters found!
SixFtWookie chapter 31 . 6/20
I had had a little omake in my head with Xander exclaiming "Wednesday, that's french!" during the Vol du Mort bit. I am giggling less than silently at the idea.
SixFtWookie chapter 9 . 6/20
Just when I thought this fic was fun, you throw in Bruce Campbell and make it awesome. I'm really looking forward to the rest of this story now.
neonfairytail chapter 119 . 5/31
Caught up all in one day love this story.
Duskwolfkin chapter 119 . 5/27
I absolutely love this story, a few spelling errors or miss used words but over all just great. Honestly one of the best fanfictions I have read in some time.
joshlamont chapter 119 . 5/26
Thank you! I had feared this was lost
shypunk chapter 119 . 4/24
its a bit depressing that this isnt finished i wish tenhawks would finish it the story kicks so much ass its almost comical
Guest chapter 119 . 3/28
Well it a great story I loved reading this story, you have a best story line I have read in a good while. Please write more
confusedw00kie chapter 87 . 3/26
Love the story so far, one thing though. If they don’t allow caffeine at hogwarts then why are they allowed to have tea?
Monkeyduck chapter 1 . 3/10
This is awesome! Thank you so much, I think the original author has mostly moved on to original fiction, he did write a few loose sequels that kind of hint at what happened after this story with Xander, but I don't think I have any more chapters than you were able to pull.
MithrasMav chapter 119 . 3/9
God bless you, my laptop crashed and I thought I was never going to find this whole again. Thanks, man.
FluffyNevyn chapter 119 . 2/27
This is...a much better read than I thought it would be. I like which way its going. I'm really wondering what the Primary BVTS storyline is going to look like with these changes though...
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