Reviews for What Could Have Been
asdfghjklalala chapter 1 . 5/10
This fic was the indoctrination to kogkag for me! Thanks pal! Your writing is flawless and believable and your Koga is mwaaaah. Hope you're well! Thanks again
Guest chapter 2 . 4/15
"Nothing I have done toward you has been feigned in the slightest," he growled, "but if you want me to act on all the things I've hidden, just say the word and I'll do it."

AHHH sizzling sizzle ~~~ you had my interest and now u have my attention
Guest chapter 2 . 4/15
WOOOOOWWWEEEEEE. This fic is hot! Kouga's dialogue was scorching! You've got it spot on and while I've never really considered pairings outside InuKag you've got me vibing with this well~~ seriously! That 'feigned' line ooooof. So good I wonder where it's going next! I feel Koga will whisk her outta there but who knows!
arlenesantana33 chapter 2 . 4/12
I love this story, this new Kouga is amazing. I love him way more than the original. He’s mature, he’s respectful, such a plot twist.
Auri chapter 2 . 4/8
I'm so invested. I hate a cliff hanger!
MoonPrincess919 chapter 2 . 4/9
Wow! What a cliffhanger! Lol, you've certainly piqued my interest with this story. Well, I like all the stories I've read from you, not at all surprised this is any different. I'm excited to see where this will go.
HerTormentedHeart chapter 2 . 4/9
Wow! Really liked this chapter! I am eager to see what happens next!
ASJS chapter 2 . 4/9
ahhh I don't normally ship kouga and kagome, but I love this interaction between them, and this raw side of Kouga. I hope kagome is okay and Kouga saves her.
Maria Espinoza chapter 2 . 4/9
I love this story
Spawn24601 chapter 2 . 4/8
I’m hooked on this story, I love the flow. I especially appreciate how the writing style takes me into the story. I cannot guess where it is headed and I love that! I love this Kouga, I love this Kagome as well. They have both grown and it’s beautiful and exciting to read this romance unfold. I love this cliff hanger lol omg like what is going to happen now?! I have no idea! Yes! I hope it’s challenging and life threatening, those are my faves, also angsty is great too so I’m so excited to see how this goes! Also, spoiler, when Kouga makes his feelings known, omg that was so romantic and lovely *swoon, thank you for that moment and all of the rest but that was so incredibly special
AnimeLuv4Ever chapter 1 . 4/1
Great story! A new Kouga with a little of the old Kouga showing through! The attraction is definitely still there! Looking for things to get more heated between them! So excited for future updates on this story!
Little Indulgence chapter 1 . 2/26
This is incredibly interesting. I'm dying to read more!
HerTormentedHeart chapter 1 . 1/28
wolfYLady-sama chapter 1 . 1/21
I want to read more
HalfBlackWolfDemon chapter 1 . 1/20
Gnkeksnfjrj, I am so happy to read this! So amazing! Aaah!

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