Reviews for Sons of Sithis
Genuka chapter 1 . 2/20
Kudos, really looking forwards to how this one develops!
NazgulBelserion chapter 1 . 2/3
Aye going with the hallows theory for those 3 I like it I wanna see their reactions when they realize it's cause of dumbledoor that their life's sucked so bad
MortemPotter chapter 1 . 1/26
LuciferXIII Trollkaiger Green chapter 1 . 1/22
Several problems here. First using Sothis as death, this is inaccurate. Sothis is 'the Void' or otherwise the primordial representation of Chaos in terms of ES lore (just because a death cult worships it does not make it actually death) as that would be Arkay's domain. The only thing involving anything negative about Sothis itself is that it is the second iteration of Padomay and when it's blood was spilt in the primordial struggle created Lorkhan the trickster who decieved the other Aedra into creating Mundus. Second the plot plays heavily into Skyrim which honestly is just a poor choice to represent the Elder Scrolls universe as it's at it's historical low point even compared to ESO which is in the Interregnum.
FireSenshi2 chapter 1 . 1/19
I am really interested to see where you take your story! XD