Reviews for Family is a curse
Cool chapter 1 . 2/1
This is hilarious!
Jennifer Baratta chapter 1 . 1/18
Outstanding story
Stand with Ward and Queen chapter 1 . 1/18
*Laughs?* This was hilarious. Mice.
Aragorn II Elessar chapter 1 . 1/18
*Laughs hysterically*

Awesome one-shot and glad my one-shot prompted you to write this.

Poor Lex. Charlie, Judith, Evelyn and Jake gave him exactly what he deserved XD!

Good that Lena was more understanding this time.

Agreed on Rosenbaum and Cryer.

Gene Hackman was pretty good and he's a product of the time so no judgment from me. Spacey was good too as he was exactly like Hackman. Eisenberg was a clown.

Never seen 'Lois and Clark' except a few clips but I did read about the Lex on it.

I got a great laugh out of it.