Reviews for Mental Dystrophy
BloodNBits chapter 4 . 8/2
Im curious to know if he's really being held against his will. It would be a little funny to find out that he really likes being with the League. I imagine being fed positive reinforcement after being deprived of it for so long is empowering, and being done by a villain after your number one hero shits on you is just icing on the cake.
darkpaladin89 chapter 3 . 5/8
Oh dear... Failed rescues and the thought of telling Inko that her son is now a villain. In the words of that one officer from Full Metal Jacket, "It's a huge shit sandwich and we're all gonna have to take a bite."
darkpaladin89 chapter 1 . 5/8
Too little, too late, Bakugou.
A Queen Among Women chapter 3 . 3/20
Your writing is phenomenal
DarkHazen chapter 3 . 2/20
Another pretty good chapter! Very interesting and very, VERY compelling to read! Kudos!
DarkHazen chapter 2 . 1/23
Awesomely written! Can't wait to see what's in store for the next chapter! Kudos!