Reviews for A Chance Meeting
Razzareth chapter 16 . 6/25
That hits me right in the feels.
XoSpectator4 chapter 1 . 6/11
Man...where do I even start? This story was beautiful to put it plainly, every chapter had me damn near begging for more and you delivered. The ending truly got to me- and everything in between had me thinking on a whole other plane. It was amazing to experience all of this, I pray you do a sequel and if not, I understand. And thank you for this
Julius chapter 16 . 6/7
This was really good and i would really something like an epilogue or a sequel or somthing just to know what happened next and if hiccup and astrid got together again later and started a serious relationships.
CajunBear73 chapter 16 . 6/7
Saying goodbye, one forever, till we meet again, on different schedules, is always hard.

But finding what you weren't looking for, while doing everything for a loved one, hopefully will be fulfilled as Hiccup said to Astrid before he drove off.

I'd like to think he and she find each other and continue that kiss he gave her before leaving...

CajunBear73 chapter 15 . 5/25
Contemplation(s) of have to become...the Future.

CajunBear73 chapter 14 . 5/12
I think Astrid, and all the other of the gang, will remember this Christmas for the rest of their lives...

Val saw, in a few moments, what the rest can't see just yet...they are going to become a family of their own, and their actions after that video visit with Astrid's parents says it all...

Hope they have a much Merrier Christmas, now.

CajunBear73 chapter 13 . 5/4
A very raucous, sporadic chapter was had by all...Including Christmas as this seems to be shaping into...

But Hiccup's being freed from a tyrannical boss reminds me of the exact environment I used to work in with a 'boss' who was pretty much like Hiccup's old one...and he made sure he could exploit someone for work the same way...

Astrid's high of helping put a bully in his place was quickly replaced by a familial guilt be saved by Hiccup and his friendship. Only after getting him through his guilt for 'messing up another's life'...

Should be an interesting Christmas for the friends who've come together in a rush...Won't it?

BunyipYabby chapter 11 . 4/24
Thank you SO MUCH! You are the kindest author out there. I have typed in my Bio now, if you'd like to look at it.
BunyipYabby chapter 12 . 4/23
It has a 24 hour waiting period until l can PM you so l have to say this here. :( How do l add stuff to my Bio and put stories on? I desperately need help!
P.S. l added you and your story to my favourites. Thank you for finally helping me decide to get an account!
BunyipYabby chapter 3 . 4/23
Thank you for the answer! I am officially signed up :)
Bunyip chapter 12 . 4/21
Um, l do want to make an account but l noticed they want your email address. Do you know if they email you and why? Just wondering. And do you get notified when someone comments? Do you need to download an app for this? If you could help me out and answer these questions l'd really appreciate it. Because then you might see l'm not a guest next time l comment...
Bunyip chapter 1 . 4/20
Sorry, just wondering, does Hiccup have a prosthetic leg in this fanfic?! It just occurred to me and l don't think you've ever mentioned it. If he doesn't but you want to put it in maybe there could be a fire and he loses it in the fire like he did in the first movie. Maybe while saving Astrid? Idk. Just a suggestion.
Anyway, sorry for spamming reviews section!
Bunyip chapter 12 . 4/20
Um...l just realized l posted just as 'Guest' before...sorry, l didn't put my name in. Please forgive me! :)
Bunyip chapter 12 . 4/20
P.P.S. Um, l also have NO idea what would happen if someone had a heart attack...but l know what l'd do...Freak out! Lol. Anyway, you seemed pretty realistic in your fanfic though. Your fanfic is definitely The Best l have read. Keep up the good work.
Guest chapter 12 . 4/20
Phew, Valka survived. I have written a couple of fanfic (all which l have not shared) and l've always hesitated before killing off characters, even the bad guys. I think it's some sort of writer's disease! Lol.
If you are wondering who Camicazi is she is from the Httyd original books by Cressida Cowell only. She was never in the franchise.
Atali is one of the wingmaidens from Dragons: Race to the Edge. Mala was from Race to the Edge too. If you haven't seen Race to the Edge yet l totally recommend watching it. It has 6 seasons of episodes and follows on from Riders of Berk and Defenders of Berk and explains stuff shown in Httyd 2. And it also has some fantastic irony in it, e.g. Dagur and Heather being brother and sister...have l said too much?!
I wasn't sure that the Hiccup and Astrid watching one of the Httyd movies would be any good but, l actually think it might be interesting. Mostly to see Hiccup and Astrid's reactions!
Yes, l do like Hazel as Hazel and Heather as Heather. They both seem like unique characters and it would be a shame to merge them into one.
Yes, l do have a pet lobster, or if you live in Australia, you will know it as a yabby. Mine lives in Freshwater though, and she is a Redclaw Yabby. Google it, l'm sure you'll love the photos! (I usually just say she's a lobster because the term 'yabby' isn't very well known around the world. But she is very similar to a lobster, only freshwater and smaller)
She is two years old at the moment which is a record basically because most of them only live for a VERY short time. But we have a feeling she'll live lots longer!
She was one-clawed when l got her but she was able to grow the claw back in a duration of just two weeks.
Bunyip is a water spirit, which is why l picked that name for her.
Anyway, happy writing and see you next time!
P.S. l'm really growing on the idea of getting an account here...
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