Reviews for No Flame Burns Forever
Irish1969 chapter 2 . 1/15
You warned me. OMG This one made me sob. BRAVO!
a trace of amber chapter 1 . 1/13
So I cannot right now. I cannot. This is the best thing you've ever written. It is like.. good lord. A little razor just slipping under my breastbone, over and over AND OVER. You gave Jason such depth and growth- showing that he could change and evolve with loss, but it could never erase the past in any way. Some quotes that killed me "those moments were just as real as this one even if you can't go back" , Clay as a true believer who still looks about 12, the idea of Clay as a residual piece of Jason and manifestation of his legacy, the idea of William never enlisting but becoming a librarian instead. God seriously even rereading it, knowing what's coming is still painful. I really, really love this piece. The idea of Naima staying there for Emma?

God seriously I'm dead. You just showed a life, a real authentic true painful but deep and rich life. I think I'm working on a little quarter life crisis so I've been sentimental but I actually welled up a few times looking at my kids reading this and I never do that. Thank you for this piece and for taking Jason along a reasonable, but still really unique future path.
Chgrgal chapter 2 . 1/13
Well you made me cry what a beautiful sorry this was. Every chapter was just perfect very hard to read. Brought back a lot of memories of the show and my own life experiences.
mendenbar chapter 2 . 1/13
Okay, the first chapter had me misting up and this just plain made me cry. Well done (and I mean that sincerely, not sarcastically.)
BGB chapter 2 . 1/13
I have cried my eyes out reading this beautifully written, heartbreaking story. So sad but it feels so very real.
DARKSOMEONE41 chapter 1 . 1/12
Oh my God. I never really cry from reading fics, but this one...this one just took my breath away. You didn't hold back, did you? And you did it so well. I normally don't read death fics, but the way you wrote this one just drew me in. It was all so realistic, and I could see it really turning out this way. So emotional and so much grief, but I love how you talk about acceptance. And it hurts to hear, but the way you talked about how when people die, others have to move on, and you really showed how people moved on, but also how they were affected by the death(s) still. This was just so moving, and I loved every bit of it. You should honestly, TRULY be so proud of yourself for this fic. Thank you for making this.
writeallnight chapter 2 . 1/12
OOOSNFSDN;LAFSDASFOHGN;IAGDNLSDAGLNL;LN;;LN. WHAT. WHY. MY FEELNGS. AND MY HEART. PLEASE INCLUDE TISSUES WARNINGS ON FUTURE FICS. Dang! Oh! I can't even make words. HE NEVER EVEN GOT TO HOLD THE BABY?! And Sonny is gonna be SO FREAKING SAD. I am also SO FREAKING SAD and Clay isn't even my fave! This is such a tiny chapter but wow does it pack a wallop. I can feel Clay's emotional pain coming straight off the page and into my heart. And the way Sonny reassures him is just so Sonny. Of course they'll take care of the baby. Of course Sonny will be the best damn uncle that kid ever has. Ugh. I can't. It's too beautiful and sad.
writeallnight chapter 1 . 1/12
Wooooooooooow! You REALLY went there with this one. Holy crap. I didn't realize when I got the notifications for two chapters that I was going to need an entire box of tissues just for the first one. Dang! This is deep and dark and incredible. You've brought some harsh, real life realities into the more contained bubble that is this show. Bold of you to kill off three team members in one chapter lol! Truly though, I loved how you showed Jason's sorrow, his worry, his anguish at so many things, and how being with Alana brings him such peace, even if she can't talk back. A wonderful testament to her memory and their relationship.
chyron girl chapter 2 . 1/12
This was fantastic. I loved the whole look into what Jason was thinking about Alana, and the bit at the end with Emma. Also, Clay's little chapter, loved it. Great work!
KazooKaren chapter 2 . 1/12
Oh my gosh. You have wrecked my day. I will be haunted by that scene for a while. Mind you that is NOT a criticism. You have painted a picture in my mind that made my heart physically hurt. Wow. You are a great writer.
anna42hmr chapter 1 . 1/12
Wow that was an incredible heart breaking chapter. Brilliant work
KazooKaren chapter 1 . 1/12
So beautifully written, but so sad. Definitely brought tears.
KH1985 chapter 2 . 1/12
Thank you for the extra chapter. Beautiful and heartbreaking. Poor Clay, realizing he would never get to see his son. Poor Sonny, knowing there was nothing that could be done for his best friend except being there with him.
jennyhale chapter 1 . 1/12
I'm am crying, so beautiful!
KH1985 chapter 1 . 1/12
I wasn't going to cry. I failed. Miserably. Beautiful chapter.