Reviews for godhood is just like girlhood
pazjacquet1 chapter 1 . 4/23
Man this is the kind of fics that i love, i was so tired of fics portraying Sakura being so "girly"? i'm pretty sure that is not the word i'm looking for but in other fics her rage feels so stupid, you make her so genuine here, like the way it should be. I'm a fsn from now on!
Guest chapter 2 . 1/30
Ow, the angst. I love how you've written Sasuke's character here (and Sakura in the last chapter; that was phenomenal). I'm really looking forward to the canon divergence though (i had totally been hoping that meant Sasuke didn't leave here but i get that things are just starting to change abd what has changed so far isn't quite enough to change his decision)
Thank you for writing and sharing! :)
temarisgf chapter 2 . 1/31
i don't think there's a single thing i disliked about this. this is rare. i'm so glad you decided to write this and i'm so glad i decided to read it, despite the amount of "sakura gets her shit together and starts training" fics i've read.

1st of all, you gave sakura the layers to her personality/identity kishimoto failed to give her. and it all felt very believable. and you're right. InoSaku 4ever. i don't think either of them really liked sasuke, ino just liked the idea of him, and for sakura, she just felt like it was expected of her, which is nicely shown in how you've chosen to write sakura's relationship with her mother. (her pretty and nice girl complex. she does what she's supposed to, like diet, obsess over her hair and like the popular pretty boy).

i love that you incorporated that. like a person's whole personality stems from their childhood and their relationship with their family.

it was satisfying to read sakura breaking away from the ideas her mother had tried to force onto her (which again, felt believable since sakura had already started the process by enrolling into the academy), and it contrasted well (as in, made in kinda bittersweet) with how, even with all of her efforts and progress, sakura still didn't make it past the prelim fights (unless i got that wrong?) and still couldn't keep sasuke in konoha.

oh. and i love your portrayal of sasuke. sometimes fic writers are reluctant to write him with more tender feelings and just stick with "angry" and "annoyed"

oh x2. i also love the little details. like tenten fighting kankuro.

plus this was so well written, i found myself wishing it was longer!
Josh Spicer chapter 2 . 1/29
Sasuke you can't just leave your boyfriend like that not expect shit to go further south.
Josh Spicer chapter 1 . 1/29
I will always stick by the believe that all the females in Naruto got done dirty. Shit, even Tsunade.

Oh joy the "nice girls do blank" type of mother Haruno. It makes sense for the Sakura you're going for I'm just not a personal fan of 'em.

Although Kakashi saying "kunoichi" like it's a bad word and a sexist fucker seems out of place. Unless that was his sick way of getting her to improve, but forgive me if I have my doubts. I've read a lot of "Kakashi fucks up without realizing it and has to pay the price" fics.
Slateorbstudios chapter 1 . 1/24
this is sooo awesome aaa! ive never read a good fanfic with this perspective and it was an entire thrill. idk if itll continue but if it does ill be stoked. if not? it ended in a good place. the recurring themes and statements just feel right.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/23
I. LOVE IT! While the concept itself isnt original you give it a twist that makes me eager to read more instead of making it feel like just another basic "sakura gets her shit 2gether" fanfic, also is there a possibility if this being a SakuIno fanfic or am I reading to much into their interaction near the end?
deisaku chapter 1 . 1/21
Oh my goodness, i adore this so so so much. Your characterizarion of Sakura and the way you describe her emotions is so wonderfully done. This is how I imagine Sakura really would've reacted to all these events in the beginning of the series. I love love love how you depict her character, her struggles, and her thoughts. I just- yes times 50.

I appreciate you sharing your work with us and look forward to seeing what you have in store!
Flower Cat chapter 1 . 1/19
This is amazing
FaeBreeze chapter 1 . 1/19
This was painful to read, what with all the self flagellation. But the ending was satisfying. Thanks for writing! chapter 1 . 1/15
Oh god. This is one of the most in depth monologues I’ve ever read in a fanfic. And I’m absolutely in love with it.
DragonNOOB chapter 1 . 1/14
You got my attention now I'm curious where you are going to take this story. I have read a good number of stories where Sakura gets her act together and becomes a good shinobi. Although I have the feeling that you have something rather unique planned since the inner monolog of Sakura in this first chapter was brilliant.
DancingWithLetters chapter 1 . 1/13
Great work! I really love how you gave Sakura's character the evolution it deserved and never fully got (I mean, she evolved, became even cleverer, much stronger and all, but still remained in the background most of the time, making her seem useless). Thank you for sharing your work!
Guest chapter 1 . 1/9
I heckin' enjoyed the perspective. Please continue!
Little.Miss.Sugar.Less chapter 1 . 1/9
Written so eloquently! Cannot wait to see how this story goes!
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