Reviews for A Requiem to Peace-Parted Souls
megSUPERFAN chapter 5 . 3/9
So much HAPPENED in this, wow! Your storytelling is excellent!

Everyone is so in character- and in an AU like this, that's (I'm guessing) pretty difficult to do, but GREAT job! Little pangs occurred whenever Enjolras thinks about Courfeyrac... I hope they are able to find him and that our little kitten is okay. Grantaire's "You will see"- YES. PARALLELS. GOOD STUFF.
Was not expecting to meet the Thenardier girls, but happy to see them all the same, and I approve of not neglecting Azelma! *gasp* Does this mean that we will see Gavroche? :D

Wonderful update- I love this fic so much! Two stories that meld together in one... fantastic. Keep up the great work, mon ami!
megSUPERFAN chapter 4 . 2/13
My heart is torn between YES and NO.
YES for Bahorel, a million YES's for Bahorel, but-

Update soon. I won't last long. VERY well done!
RaggedtyAnne chapter 2 . 2/3
I don't agree that Grantaire wouldn't see the point of resisting. This is a completely different situation than in the book. Enjolras would have kicked him if he really thought that. And drinking with the German soldiers could be any number of reasons.
megSUPERFAN chapter 3 . 1/30
There's something to this story that I can't put my finger on, but it's incredible. It really is. You're doing absolutely FANTASTIC work with this fic, and the effort and care really shows. Keep it up, mon ami!

On this chapter in particular: I'm so happy Enjolras is beginning to get better. My heart was so FULL while reading "friend first, patient second"- Oh, Jolllly... you are wonderful. That brief flashback of the fall stirred both my pity and curiosity. Poor Joly. Not sure if I wholly like Dr. Dupard, hmmm.
I am delighted that you're writing this and looking forward to the next chapter! :D
megSUPERFAN chapter 2 . 1/16
"Rue de Victor-Hugo" lol is that a real thing? :D
"Aren't I a gem?" Yes, Courfeyrac, yes you are. *snuggles Tomcat* The codenames are beautiful. :)

I hope Enjolras gets home safely. I'm worried for Jehan a little. This is so intense, and I love every bit of it. Good for Grantaire, coming to the meetings. :) I'll be crossing my fingers for more Amis showing up soon! Really great work on this so far!
megSUPERFAN chapter 1 . 1/7
I demand more.

This is an amazing start- the tale is so detailed and intriguing, and the feels are real already. Joly's prosthetic made me sad, but not as bad as what you did to Enjolras... I'm SO curious to see the rest of the sketchbook and find out what happened to the rest of the characters! Awesome first chapter; keep it coming!