Reviews for A Year in the Life of HOA President, Bella Swan
annaharding chapter 12 . 7/23
Totally enjoyed this funny fic! Definitely needed the light-heartedness that it portrayed.
Thanx for sharing!
annaharding chapter 11 . 7/23
Hmmm...maybe Bella is tired of the responsibility of it all?
annaharding chapter 10 . 7/23
Hmm - Jane won. Boy, the lining of the pockets? This sounds very similar to what's going on in RL right now!
annaharding chapter 9 . 7/23
Uh oh - she's getting anxious and uptight again.
Question - in your original one-shot, she mentioned that she had a boyfriend before, named Mike. Is that Mike Newton? I hope not.
I live in a subdivision, but we DON'T have an HOA. I've always been glad about that, but I do think these activities would be fun.
annaharding chapter 7 . 7/23
The great cake fight! Fun! - I'm thinking the resident of Forks Valley are enjoying the loosening of rules and all the fun activities. I'm thinking Emmett should run for President! (Not that Bella wants to give it up.)
annaharding chapter 6 . 7/23
Ooh! Sexy times ahead!
annaharding chapter 5 . 7/23
Awww - they got out their "I love you's"! Boy has she come a long way. I wonder if the lights still have to be down within 10 days?
annaharding chapter 4 . 7/23
Our girl is coming out of her shell! So much progress. But that Emmett...goofball.
annaharding chapter 3 . 7/23
Poor Jake! I immediately thought that someone had jumped out at him, brandishing a saw, but a Ghilley suit would do it, too! And there's Jane to put a damper on things. Ugh.
annaharding chapter 2 . 7/23
Fun swingles - oops, I mean singles - party! And Jane is a pain!
annaharding chapter 1 . 7/23
Oh, no! Emmett's involved! This is going to be a mess!
crazy4r-k chapter 12 . 6/27
Loved, loved, loved your story. Thanks for brightening my day.
Guest chapter 12 . 6/16
Outtakes? Just write part 3. It was a nice surprise to read this. I remember the original story. Thanks the fun read. Will follow you just in case you post more of the HOA president and V.P. HUGS
princeselisa chapter 12 . 6/7
songii chapter 12 . 6/7
loved this! Emmett was hilarious
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